When the Vanya is Sus.

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Sissy Pov:
It started innocently enough, my Girlfriend, Vanya, was playing on the computer with her siblings. I don't play games so it's interesting to listen to the things she says to her siblings, even if terminology goes over my head sometimes. There will be moments when I'll be focusing on something and she'll just spout off words that sound extraterrestrial.
I'll just laugh and continue with what I was doing, it wasn't my thing but she enjoyed it and it wasn't hurting anyone, initially. Like I said I had my nose between the pages reading about armchair philosophies as Vanya raved on in the background play Among Us, I think. She had won a match and swiveled her chair to face me, like a dog when they did a trick right.
"Finally got a win tonight as imposter." She exclaimed.
"That's great," I replied offering an false smile, I was happy she was happy but I can't say I was invested. She turned back to the computer and talking to her siblings again, they were hyping each other up.
I heard Vanya mutter. "when the imposter is sus." It was such a random word that it tickled my brain when I heard it and I couldn't help but laugh. Vanya leaned back in her chair as if she was exhausted herself as she swiveled to face me once more.
"I can't believe I just said that-" she echoed my laughter offering a painfully adorable smile. "I feel like I should wash my mouth out with soap." She repeated the word a few times, making sure to let out popping noise when mouthing the "S". We both laughed it off and she said goodnight to her siblings. It was time for me to get some quality time with her and with that my book remained on the nightstand until morning.
In the morning I woke up early and felt like I had gotten a really good sleep so I was in a good mood. And when I'm in a good mood, I make breakfast. I heard the stairs creak and figured the smell of bacon had lifted Vanya out of bed. She stumbled into the kitchen, her hair a complete mess. "That smells hella sus." She groggily moaned.
With mild amusement, I went to laugh. Vanya's face conveyed confusion as she stood in the kitchen. Her eyes strained and mouth still slightly agape. "I totally meant to say great." She continued turning her gaze to me. "God I'm tired." She chuckled before shuffling over to help me finish up with breakfast.
The rest of the day was pretty normal. We even decided to go on a little impromptu date, the best we could with the world the way it is. But when we were winding down for the night, getting ready to brush our teeth. Vanya informed me that "Today was sus babe." I politely replied that if she was trying to mess with me it was going to get old fast.
She shook her head. "It just kind of came out sorry." She said raising the toothbrush and dragging it across her teeth. We both brushed our teeth and in unison spit into the sink, as I was wiping my mouth I could see Vanya leaning in for a kiss. I turned my head but when I met her face to face, a putrid smell climbed into my nostrils. It was enough to make me recoil away from her, it was like battery acid poured over rotting roast beef.
I instinctively put my hand over my nose. "Your breath is awful," I told her. Which we both knew was odd, she just brushed her teeth and it's not like she has gingivitis or anything. She went to point out as much by pointing to the sink but stopped. I followed her cue and looked into the sink where we had spit our toothpaste out. On my side of the sink, there were a few lingering bubbles.
On her side of the sink, however, still clinging to the white porcelain was a thick and frothy substance. It was a sickly yellow with streaks of red the would suggest Vanya's dental hygiene had degraded significantly in just one night. She quickly reached over and turned the faucet on, opening her mouth she checked out the condition of her teeth, they looked completely fine.
It took a good bit of water for the mess she had spit into the sink to budge at all. Eventually, with the convincing of steaming hot water, it disappeared. I went to say something to her but she was captivated by her reflection with her mouth moving ever so slightly. Her lips quietly repeating the "S" sound over and over. I told her that we should just go to bed and we'll make an appointment to see the dentist, make sure something weird wasn't going on with bacteria or something.
We made our way to be and settled down for the night. With the lights turned off and the dark of a sleeping world creeping in I closed my eyes. I don't know how long I was asleep for but I was woken slowly by a small prodding on my shoulder. Vanya was ever so gently poking me, like a child who wants their parent to wake up on Christmas but is afraid to make them angry.
I shuffled my body, still coming out of the throws of deep sleep my body was sluggish and the blankets felt like they weighed thirty pounds. As I turned over I reached behind me to flick on the light and the sudden brightness momentarily stunned my vision. I started wiping my eye and was about to ask what was wrong when a very familiar and pungent smell assaulted my senses again.
It was worse this time like it had been sitting for a while. I struggled to keep my urge to vomit subdued, this was made all the more difficult when I moved to brace my new position and felt my fingers press against the sheets. As my fingers pressed down, a hot and viscous liquid rose from the divots I had made.
Then I saw Vanya. She had that sickly yellow shit caked onto her face, she looked like an infant that fought hard against eating her baby formula. Her mouth was moving and words were coming out but just barely. Her voice was raspy I could tell they were painful, her body would tremble every time he started to speak. "Re.d..s..u.s"
Such a horrid sight, watching each letter accompanied by a small spittle of the disgusting liquid and before long I could see how it was about to get worse. As she kept going-
"Red.ss.us.." "Red..s.us." "Red- s-s-sus."
I could see thin trails of smoke lifting from inside his mouth and under his lip. Horrified, I hadn't moved my hand yet but once the new drippings had made their way to my hand I could feel an intense burning sensation. Vanya started to shake more violently as I finally snapped to my senses and ran to the phone.
Dialing 911 as fast as I could I heard Vanya behind me beginning to shout "SUS" over and over. I could just imagine the molten ooze spewing from her mouth like Yellowstone as he attempted to clear her mouth of the heat. I didn't know what to even say to the operator so I told the lady she had severe burns and trouble breathing.
Keeping the phone off the hook as the operator confirmed that an ambulance was on the way I made my way back to Vanya. It was so much worse than I first saw, the blankets on the bed where she was facing away from me were soaked. The liquid had saturated the sheets and bed to the point that they were dripping onto the hardwood.
Plumes of smoke rose from the hardwood threatening to bore right through the floor but it wasn't my biggest concern. I couldn't help but picture Vanya laying there all night, saying that stupid word over and over, suffering but not wanting to disturb me. She looked so weak, I don't know what that fluid was but it was taking all the nutrients Vanya needed to function with it.
The whites of her eyes were beginning to stain yellow like a smoker's walls and her skin was so visibly dry I thought she was going to start molting. She barely recognized the woman I knew as she rose from the bed, shambling to her feet. It looked like some cheesy zombie flick with a small budget but seeing it in person was so painful and scary.
I started to worry about my safety as she got closer to me, the same yellow substance dropping from his slack jaw. Her eyes were so different, I felt as though she couldn't even see me, she was just heading towards something. "When the imposter is sus." A whisper came from her mouth, well-formed letters unfettered by the slob dwelling in his mouth. The voice was ethereal.
Before Vanya closed in I saw the sanctity of blue+red lights flashing beyond our bedroom window. Quickly I ran to the front door letting paramedics in and trying to explain to them what was going on as we headed back up the stairs. Vanya looked so weak, her grotesque saliva burning holes in their clothing, though I don't think they noticed.
They made it clear that I wasn't allowed to go with her. As they drove away leaving me to my own devices I could see one of the paramedics pressing a needle into Vanya's neck and that was that she was gone. I was standing there all alone in the dark.
I made it back upstairs and started cleaning up the mess. Luckily the piles of vile no longer burned on contact, though the texture was still enough to make me wince. I didn't think there was a point washing anything so I just pulled the bed with its covers out to the alleyways and rested them against the garage.
I didn't sleep that night. Was so out of it I almost didn't hear the phone ringing, someone from the hospital telling me I could visit. I was there in no time. While looking at Vanya who was still pretty heavily sedated, I asked the doctor if Vanya had said anything yet. The doctor said it would be difficult for Vanya to speak as she had chewed through his tongue during her night there.
Looking at my girlfriend I could see that her jaw was moving up and down, her lips pursed as if trying to speak. However, with the drugs and the lack of a tongue, all that came out of her mouth were whistles of air.
As I stared at Vanya I heard something behind me, a commotion caused by another person being rushed into the ER. Turning around I saw one of the paramedics that had helped get Vanya into the ambulance rushing down the hall. So many people were talking at once and I'm sure I must have been the only one to hear it.
The ambulance drivers speaking under the mutter of voices and the chaos of the machinery.
"She contracted the Sus virus"

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 22, 2021 ⏰

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