Calling For Eternity (18)

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Yan Hao swings his spear to try and hit Aether in frustration,

He has realized what Aether truly is and..

This fight has been going on for quite a while,

Even though, Aether is injured, he can still stand and fight Yan Hao,

"God dammit!" Yan Hao grunts as he swings the spear from the right,

Aether dodged it by going down,

Like in the Matrix, you know what I mean..

The impact of the slash made the big rocks behind him sliced; falling down to the ground,

Yan Hao swings the spear up in air, perfectly at the direction where Aether is looking,

And so, he swung it down with all of his strength,


(Sfx: A sound of the ground thats collided with something heavy from above)

A gust of wind surrounds Yan Hao, as it is revealed that Aether managaed to dodge it,

Yan Hao looked behind him to see Aether with an injured left arm from the impact,

He gritted his teeth after seeing Aether; still alive,

"Dammit, dammit, dammit!" He said as he summons black feathers,

The black feathers was transformed into black swords which targeting towards Aether,

"DAMMIT!" He yelled as he sent the swords directly at Aether,

Aether quickly reacted to this and blocks the swords with his Geo elemental burst,

He launched himself to the air,

"You!" He screams as the spear transformed into a sword and quickly striked him,

Luckily Aether managed to block it using his sword,


He striked again to find any openings, but Aether didn't give any as he blocked the strike,


As Yan Hao getting more and more frustrated so does his attacks getting more harsh and harder, Aether was backed away because of the attacks,


"Utter Fools!" He screams in anguish,

As he screams, he used all of the strength; striking Aether and launched him across hitting a huge rock wall,

Smoke and rubbles comes out of the impact, as Yan Hao walks over to Aether in the smoke,

"How can you.."

"How can creatures like you exist?!"

The smoke fades away to reveal thousands and thousands of black swords, surroundin Aether with no escape,

"Huh?!" Aether said in shock,


"You idiotic useless piece of shit! I won't ever let anything like you ever exist!!" He yells as he snaps his fingers,

All of the swords starts targeting to Aether, and striking directly at him,

He couldn't escape,

There was no other way out,

Aether closed his eyes and hopes for the best,



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