Lady Sylvia rolled her eyes. 'So is mine but you don't see me bitching about it.'

Charlesetta sneered. 'That's because you don't love your son.'

The room froze.

'Excuse me?' Lady Sylvia inquired in a chilling tone.

'Please everyone here knows the dynamics of the Ashanti Royal Family and we all know you are using your son to secure your position. Without him you are nothing.'

'How dare you?' Lady Sylvia fumed, her eyes blazing in wrath.

'Ladies I think we are taking this too far,' Maria came in warily, casting an anxious glance at each of them.

'Yeah,' Sandra stepped in worriedly. 'I think we all need a time out.'

'I'll tell you who needs a time out, it's this opportunist,' Charlesetta jeered. 'We all know I'm right, why bother to deny it? Tell us your highness, why as the wife of a king your title is not Queen but Lady?'

'Watch yourself, Charlesetta despite my title, whatever it may be, I outrank you and trust me you do not want to make an enemy out of me.'

Charlesetta scoffed. 'What are you going to do? What can you do? You may outrank me but Victoria outranks you and why is that? Because you and your entire royal family are not what you once were. Once a mighty and glorious empire, you are now reduced to nothing but a measly kingdom, which doesn't even have autonomy. You are under the rule of the government of this country. How must that feel becoming so unimportant and insignificant?'


Charlesetta and Lady Sylvia were on their feet, staring off at each other with rage boiling in their eyes.

'Sit down.'

They continued to stare defiantly at each other but sat down, none daring to disobey a direct order from Victoria Mills.

Victoria's beautiful face was masked with her usual look of cold indifference as her eyes moved between the two. 'This behaviour is completely unbecoming for ladies of your class. What do you have to say for yourselves?'

'I'll tell you what I have to say,' Lady Sylvia raged, facing Charlesetta. 'FUCK YOU!'

She swung around. 'FUCK YOU ALL!' she shrieked.

Everyone stared in wide-eyed shock at this unexpected outburst. Though she occasionally shows emotions, Lady Sylvia was famous for her perfect composure.

'I married into a patriarchal institution so yes; I use my son to secure my position. Yes, I require my son to be relevant but don't for a single second dare to think that I don't love my son. My boy is the only reason I do anything, I live and breathe for him.'

She took a deep breath. 'Let me ask you, do you know what happens the moment I become irrelevant? I would be cast aside and no longer be allowed to see my son, my only son! A son whom I love more than life itself. I need my position to protect him. He is surrounded by wolves, sharks all thirsting for his blood. It's my guidance that protects him and I live in constant fear of how he would survive without it.'

Her chest rose and fell quickly with her heavy breaths. The other mothers stared at her with something akin to pity.

'I understand,' Sandra murmured. 'In fact, we all do. Look around, our sons are missing but do you see their fathers? My husband is holed up in his lab. He is worried and cares a lot but he refuses to leave his research as he considers it far too important. He has left everything to me but I can't handle this all by myself! I need support but I'm alone.'

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