Chapter Three

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Chapter Three

Eddie was the first one to wake up the next morning. He felt the sunshine coming in through the window on his face. It wasn't for another few seconds that he realized how he was positioned on the ground. His head was on Richie's chest. Eddie didn't know what he should do. If he got up, Richie might wake up too. But if he waited for Richie to wake up by himself, he would know that Eddie had had his head on his chest all night. Eddie decided he would just get up. It didn't really matter.

Eddie went to the bathroom and came out to find Richie sitting on the couch, his hair messed up. Eddie smirked and sat down next to him.

"What?" Richie asked.

"Your hair is sticking straight up," Eddie laughed.

"Oh," Richie said and tried to smooth it down but that just made it worse so Eddie laughed harder. Richie gave up and just laughed with him. They quieted down and just sat there together.

"Last night was really fun," Eddie said.

"Yeah, it was. I mean, at least we're all friends again, or possibly more than friends," Richie said. Eddie knew exactly what he meant. Bev and Ben were curled up in each other's arms.

"You know, this probably wouldn't have happened if we never got that project together," Richie said thoughtfully.

"You're right. I'm glad we're doing the project together. You're not so bad after all," Eddie joked.

"Thanks, that's the best compliment I've ever received," Richie smiled and rolled his eyes. They got up and went to the kitchen to find breakfast. Eddie took a step and his ankle rolled. He slipped and started falling. Richie whipped around and caught him a split second before Eddie hit the ground. Their faces were less than an inch away from each other. They were staring into each other's eyes, momentarily frozen in time. It was like something you would see in a movie. The thought of kissing Eddie dropped into Richie's head just then and he wondered why he would ever think that. At that exact moment, Bill walked in.

"Oh, uh, h-hi guys. Am I... i-interrupting something?" Bill said, kind of embarrassed. Richie pulled Eddie back up.

"No.... I just slipped and Richie caught me," Eddie said, his face very pink. Richie adjusted his glasses and nodded.

"Are you okay?" Bill asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine now. What should we have for breakfast?" Eddie changed the subject. They looked in the fridge and the pantry. All they found that looked like breakfast was cereal that looked at least 5 months old.

"Uh...I don't think anything in here will sustain us all," Richie said.

"We could g-go to the diner. It's open 24 hours a day," Bill suggested. That sounded like a good idea. Richie was starving though and didn't want to wait for the others to wake up so he ran back to the living room.

"HEY GUYS! WAKE UP! IT'S TIME TO GET UP!" Richie yelled as he ran around the couch.

"Richie! Stop it!" Eddie tried to get him to stop but it was pointless. Everyone was already awake.

"Leave it to Richie to come up with the most obnoxious way to wake someone up," Stanley mumbled. Everyone slowly started to get up and they all climbed into Richie's car. They drove to the diner and listened to music, taking turns choosing songs. Once they got there, the group found a table big enough to seat seven. It was a Sunday and relatively busy. A waitress came over to take their orders.

"What can I get for you guys?" she asked.

"I'll have a small stack of pancakes, bacon, and eggs please," Mike started. She copied that down and turned to Eddie.

"Oh, um, I'll have scrambled eggs and chocolate chip pancakes," Eddie said quietly. Eddie might have changed over the years but he still was shy in public.

"I'll just have bacon and eggs, thanks," Stanley ordered. The others all ordered as well and they played truth or dare while they were waiting for their food.

"Okay, I'll start. Truth or dare Bev," Richie asked her.

"Dare," she said like it was the most obvious thing in the world.

"I dare you to go complain to that waiter over there about how cold it is in here," this was ironic because it was actually very warm in the restaurant.

"Okay," she got up and walked over to the waiter Richie was talking about. They watched her tell him how it was freezing in here but then she laughed and told him this was a dare. He laughed too. Bev came back over and sat down.

"Done. Truth or dare Eddie," Beverly said.

"Truth I guess," Eddie replied.

"Okayyy... who do you like?" she asked. Eddie's face turned red.

"I- I don't like anyone," he said quietly. Everyone knew he was lying but they couldn't figure out why. Eddie knew they wouldn't tell anyone but it was actually kind of shocking, even to Eddie, to know that he liked this person. The food came right then and they all stopped talking and shovelled food into their mouths. It was actually really good.

They all left after that and went their separate ways. The sleepover had been really fun, now they left in groups. Ben and Bev were going back to Bev's house, Bill, Mike, and Stanley left together. That left Richie and Eddie.

"You wanna come to my house? My parents won't mind, they barely realize that I'm there," Richie turned to Eddie.

"Yeah sure," Eddie said, he blushed slightly but Richie didn't notice. On their walk back, it started to rain. It was still sunny. It slowly got darker and the clouds covered the sun. It started to rain harder and harder. Eddie laughed and started running. Richie smiled at the sight and started running with Eddie. They ran all the way to Richie's house in the rain. By the time they got there, they were both soaked. Eddie stopped on the sidewalk and Richie stopped too.

Eddie looked up at Richie's face. Water was dripping down his hair and his glasses were covered in water droplets. Eddie had no idea what had come over him but he started talking.

"Rich, I completely and utterly like you. A lot. I don't know when I realized it, but I just do and I won't stop liking you. I have to tell you. I've had the most fun when I'm around you. Whenever I look at you, I get lost in your eyes," Eddie blurted out. Richie stared at Eddie in complete shock. His mouth kept opening as if he was going to say something but no words ever came out.

"I'm sorry! I shouldn't have said anything. I know it must be a lot to think about and I understand if you-" Eddie started.

"Eddie! Eddie, stop!" Richie interrupted him. "I um, I like you too. So much. You're just perfect. I don't know how to describe you because there's no way to put into words what I feel," Eddie was so surprised at this. He was elated.

"I don't know what to say," Eddie said, with the biggest smile on his face. Richie walked closer to Eddie. Their faces inches apart. Eddie grabbed Richie's hand.

"Maybe just.... don't say anything at all," Richie whispered. He lifted Eddie chin and kissed him. So gently and lovingly. Eddie ran his hands through Richie's wet hair and Richie pulled Eddie in by his waist. They held onto each other, kissing in the rain. They didn't let go for minutes on end, just enjoying each other's loving presence. Taking in every sweet moment. They finally pulled away and Eddie dug his face into Richie's shoulder. Richie felt Eddie take a shuddering breath.

"Ed's are you okay?" Richie asked.

"I'm just so relieved. And shocked. And excited. I didn't know what you would say and I was so scared you would hate me after saying that," Eddie admitted. Richie almost cried at that.

"I could never, ever hate you Ed's. You are always there for me, I'll always be here for you too," Richie said and kissed Eddie's incredibly soft lips again. They swayed slightly and toppled over on Richie's front yard, Eddie on top of Richie. They laughed and hugged.

"You are the stars, the moon, the sun, the day, the night, the world, you are my whole life Ed's," Richie whispered.

"You lift me all the way to the moon and back Rich," Eddie whispered in his ear. 

To The Moon And Back - A Reddie FanficOn viuen les histories. Descobreix ara