What's happening with you this summer? Got any plans with the boys? Let me know!

Looking forward to your correspondence,
Cece xx


16th June 1977,

Alcyone bloody Montague!

Where have these details been about the kiss with Remus? What's happened since? Luke is staying with me because his parents are getting a divorce (he's doing ok but it's a bit of a nasty split and come as a shock to him) so you only have to write one letter explaining.

Have you guys met up since? Have there been anymore kisses? I need all the information! Also we're still allowed round for your birthday arent we? I'm really looking forward! We both miss you terribly.

We love you with all our hearts Cariad (we're learning Welsh because we know you know it)
Luke and Tobes xxx


16th June 1977,

Luke and Tobes,

I miss you both so much, of course you're bloody coming to my birthday! On the 26th yeah? I'm so bloody excited to see you both, I hate going so long without seeing you both.

Tell Luke I'm awfully sorry and I do hope that he's alright! I'm here if he ever needs anything. Remus and I are currently exchanging letters and I've asked if he would like to attend my birthday.

I love you both more than I love the moon
Alcyone xxx


20th June 1977,


The baby has been born!  It's a little boy! I knew it would be! They've named him Graham Aries Montague! I've never been so in love with a little person in all my life. I just love his smell and his little hands.

I hope you're well, love
Auntie Cece xxx


21st June 1977,

Smelly Estelly,

I'm scared. Somethings happened and I can't bother Caspian with it. Promise me you will always keep him safe Cece. I love him with all of my being, just like I love you with all of mine darling, and I want you to always be safe.

Do not attend mothers luncheon to commemorate your mum's death. It's going to be an indoctrination and I don't want that for your family but I think they're distancing themselves from that anyway which is good.

I love you more than anything in the world, I hope you know that
Reggie Archie x


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