"And this in turn has given rise to the belief that there are no dwarf women. And the Dwarves just spring out of holes in the ground!"

Éowyn laughed as Gimli added

"Which is of course ridiculous. WHOA!"

Gimli screamed the last part because the horse he was on just took off running. Gimli, being a Dwarf who usually didn't ride, fell off. Éowyn rushed to help but Nymerial didn't move. She already knew what he was going to say. And as Gimli landed, he said

"It is all right! Nobody panic. That was deliberate. It was deliberate."

Nymerial heard laughing beside her and looked up. Freda was giggling so hard that she would have almost fallen off from a horse too. Luckily Nymerial grabbed her sleeve and pulled her back up. Freda looked at Nymerial and started laughing again. This time, Nymerial chuckled as well. But she fell quiet when she felt someone tapping her shoulder. She turned around and her eyes met with a grey colour.

Delsin was standing there, smiling like an idiot. Nymerial was a bit disappointed, she was hoping it would be someone else. But her face didn't show anything like that. Instead she smiled back and asked

"Can I help you?"

"Yes, actually you can. You see, as I was walking, I could not help but a small lonely flower near me. So I went and picked it. But you see, there was a slight problem: it did not like me, so I was wondering if you would like to have it?"

Delsin pulled a small white flower out behind his back and offered it to Nymerial. Nymerial, at first, didn't know what to do but after she collected herself, she answered while taking the flower

"It would be my pleasure."

She put the flower in her hair. Delsin lifted his thumbs as if saying that the flower was pretty on her. He then joked around with Nymerial and Freda.

But what the three didn't know was that Legolas had seen it all and heard it all. He felt something in him that made him hate Delsin. He was surprised because he had never actually hated somebody. Disliked yes, but hate? Not that he remembered. Legolas thought about it, he just couldn't put his finger on why he hated Delsin. He hadn't done anything to him.

As he wondered, night drew near and the King stopped. He yelled 

"We will rest for the night!"

Nymerial said goodbye to Delsin and Freda, they both had places to be and so did she. Nymerial went over to Aragorn and Legolas and sat down. She looked around and laid down. She closed her eyes and decided to take a little nap.

Nymerial was awoken from her dreamless sleep by someone walking by. It was a villager. Nymerial sat up and rubbed her eyes. She heard someone coming towards her and Aragorn, Legolas had gone somewhere. That someone was Éowyn and she had a pot in her hands. She said

"I made some stew. It isn't much, but it is hot."

She handed Aragorn a bowl and a spoon. When Nymerial smelled the aroma that was coming out of the pot, she refused politely. But Aragorn didn't have anything to say. He said

"Thank you."

He then tasted the stew. Nymerial could clearly see that Aragorn was trying hard not to show any emotion or puke. Instead he said

"Mmm. It is good."



Éowyn smiled and turned around to leave. 

When Aragorn saw that, he turned to pour out his stew but Éowyn turned around. He recovered but some food got on his hand. Éowyn didn't seem to notice it, instead she asked

"My Uncle told me a strange thing. He said that you rode to war with Thengel, my grandfather. But he must be mistaken."

"King Théoden had a good memory. He was only a small child at the time."

Then you must be at least sixty. Seventy? But you cannot be eighty!"


"You are one of the Dúnedain. A descendant of Númenor, blessed with long life. It was said that your race had passed into legend."

"There are few of us left. The Northern Kingdom was destroyed long ago."

"I am sorry. Please eat!"

Nymerial couldn't hold her laughter. A loud ha escaped her lips. Aragorn snapped his head towards his sister and shot a sharp glare to her. He then turned to Éowyn and smiled, waiting her to leave. 

AN: if you would like to see the deleted scene of this in lotr, please watch the vid (without Nymerial) x

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