Bonito Flakes

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To which sometimes, you need to 

voice out your own disagreements.

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The sun was high and the heat was intense. An afternoon filled with loud chatters and laughter, accompanied with the occasional honking and beeping from the vehicles across. That was what Inumaki and Fujisaki had to endure for 2 more hours.

Coloring and eating aside the two did almost nothing for this encounter, having no new toys to play or games to try out. Stories have been halted as their conversations have been constantly interrupted by the screams and wails of the children. Ultimately they gave up, and decided to observe the swaying tree leaves as they both lied down.

It was calming, comforting. The two of them haven't met for that long, but they sure did hit off very well. 

Suddenly, Asuka turned her body towards her bad, and began fishing out the items she had stuffed minutes ago. Toge watched her with curious eyes, but they soon turned into disappointment at the object she was holding.

"Let's color again!" Asuka chirped. The white haired boy groaned, and turned his body so that his back faced her. The girl glared and lightly hit him with the crumpled drawing book, evidence to how much they colored.

"We don't have anything to do! So let's color" She said still whacking him, slightly harder this time.

Toge let out a grunt of disapproval at this one.

"Salmon..." He said tiredly. They have been coloring for 2 days now, and it's starting to get boring doing the same thing over and over again. 

"So you said yes?"


"So it's a yes?"


Having only (tried) mastered one random ingredient really changed Toge. For obvious reasons, he says 'salmon' all the time, the word slowly losing it's meaning to the Fujisaki's ears. In addition to this, Toge isn't exactly the best at using his tones. Preferring to keep his words monotonous and plain, having one emotion despite the many he wished to expressed. 

Because of this, their daily routine of misunderstandings happen often.

"Okay now, what's your color?" The blue eyes girl said, flipping the pages of the drawing book before settling on one.

"Salmon" Albeit bored with the activity, Toge responded, grabbing a brown crayon.

"Hm..." Asuka was lost in deep thought, the boy beside her waiting patiently while peeking through the pages they had colored before. Messy sketches of lions, princesses, dresses, cakes, and fishes were seen.

"Hm... Toge?"


"Do you want to draw us?"

Toge blinked, then blinked again. He is not that fond of drawing, but he do appreciate coloring.


"I will be doing the drawing" Asuka volunteered proudly "And you will be coloring"

"Salmon, salmon" Toge nodded his head multiple times in agreement.

"Okay, so you stay here then I'm going to stay there. 'M gonna draw you first." Asuka instructed, crawling towards her spot as Toge stayed in place.

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