Just Saying // Cake

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An hour or so later Luke’s called over to Calum’s table again.

“We’d like to pay.” Dylan says, raising an eyebrow. The boy doesn’t like Luke anymore than Luke likes him, probably because the blonde is trying to steal his boyfriend, and he’s never even tried to be friendly towards him. “hurry along now, get the bill.” Luke returns a few moments later, handing Dylan the bill. However, instead of paying, he just hands it over to Calum, who looks at it before giving Luke his card.

“since when does the person having been asked out on a date have to pay?” Luke asks, putting the card in the small machine he brought with him.

“Just leave it Luke.” Calum says, taking the machine from Luke and entering his pin code.

“No I won’t just leave it, it’s wrong.” Luke says, staying calm. “I’d never do that, just so you know.”

“I’m sure you’ll be a great boyfriend if you ever manages to get someone to stay with you for more than one night.” Dylan says. “now please leave so we can continue our date.” Luke turns around to leave without saying another word, flipping Dylan off before entering the kitchen, something that luckily goes unnoticed.


“Slow down! Slow down, stop stop stop!” Luke leans forward, trying to somehow stop the car from the backseat.

“Goddamnit Lucas, what the fuck are you doing!” Ashton doesn’t stop but he does slow down enough for him to turn around in his seat and glare at Luke. “you can’t just scream like that, I could’ve killed us. Are you okay babe?” the last part is directed to his girlfriend, who’s sitting in the passenger seat.

“I’m fine, you didn’t even do anything.” she points out, turning her attention back to the phone.

“Seriously Ashton, look over there!” Luke says, pointing towards a big house further down the street. “That’s Dylan’s house.”

“So?” Ashton asks, staring at the house where a woman is just about to either knock on the door or open it.

“well he told Calum he lives alone, didn’t he? then why is that woman there?”

“it’s probably his mum, mums are allowed to visit their sons you know.” Ashton points out, the three of them now watching the woman at the door. She’s knocked on it by now and seems to be waiting for someone to open and Ashton pulls over, none of them wanting to miss whatever’s about to happen.

What does happen is that the door opens, revealing another woman.

“He is definitely NOT living alone.” Luke says. “if he was, why would his mother bring friends over to his house?”

“as much as I hate to admit it, I think you’re right.” Ashton says, starting to drive again. “let’s get back to the others now.”

And of course, as soon as they arrive to Luke’s apartment, where everyone’s already waiting for them to get back with the food they went to get, Luke shares their discovery with the others.

“So your “boyfriend” is lying to you.” he tells Calum, throwing himself onto the bed that’s placed in the corner of the apartment, since it’s such a small place with no more than one room, a bathroom and a small cooking area. “he doesn’t live alone at all, he lives with his mum.”

“It’s true.” Ashton says, cutting Calum off just as he’s about to say something. “we saw it.”

“So what if he lives with his mum?” Calum asks, glaring at the others.

“He lies to you Calum!” Michael exclaims. “Luke might not have a big fancy house, but at least he’s being honest about his living situation.” both Jack and Ashton nods in agreement but Alex sighs, getting up from the floor and walking over to the three plastic bags Ashton placed on the table.

“can we please just not fight tonight, can we please just hang out and be friends, please.” maybe it has to do with Alex being the oldest in their group, maybe it has to do with the annoyance in his voice, but they actually do as he says. Calum sits down again, crossing his arms over his chest and staring at a sock laying on the floor, and Michael and Luke says back down on the bed, both of them watching a spider slowly making it’s way across the white sealing.


The next thing Luke finds out about Dylan is something he doesn’t want to share with Calum. Unfortunately, he wasn’t alone when he saw the boy making out with someone who definitely wasn’t Calum. No, he was with Michael and the blue haired boy has never been one to keep things a secret.

“Calum, Dylan’s cheating on you.” it had been so easy for Michael to tell him, he just walked up to the dark haired boy and told him straight up. It hadn’t been easy for Luke though, to watch Calum’s face fall, to see the pain in his eyes as he shook his head, denying what he’s just heard. Luke can’t hear what’s being said, him still being by his locker, but he doesn’t miss the look Calum sends his way when he hears what Michael tells him. Luke does consider walking over to them but before he gets the chance to, Calum turns around and leaves.

“that didn’t go too well.” Michael says when he returns to Luke, leaning against the lockers next to Luke’s. “said he was gonna go find Dylan, wanted him to tell him just how wrong we are. Or, how wrong I am since you weren’t there to tell him. I’m pretty sure he wants to blame you for it as well though, I mean if it’d been me and if it hadn’t been real, I totally would’ve thought it was something you came up with to get me to break up with my boyfriend and get with you.”

“I’d never want you to “get with me” though.” Luke says, finally closing his locker. “not even if you were the last man on earth and my only chance of survival included kissing you.”

“you’re hurting my feelings Hemmings.” Michael says, placing a hand on his chest, clearly meaning for it to cover his heart but since Michael’s never been very good at biology, he places it on the right side instead of his left. “but likewise”

And after taking another look down the hallway, hoping to see Calum approaching them, Luke and Michael heads over to the cafeteria.


It isn’t until two hours later, when Luke’s sitting in his history class, not paying any attention to the teacher at all, that he hears from Calum. The dark haired boy didn’t show up for lunch, nor did he go to his maths class, but now he’s texting Luke, asking him to meet him behind school as soon as possible.

And Luke doesn’t hesitate even for a second, he immediately gets up, leaving the room without the teacher noticing, him being busy with writing something on the board. After that, getting out of the building is easy and it only takes Luke two minutes to get to the back of the school.

He finds Calum on the ground, his back against the brick wall and his legs pulled up to his chest, arms wrapped around them.

“I need a friend Luke.” Calum says when Luke sits down next to him. “I need my best friend right now because my boyfriend has been cheating on me for months, or maybe I’ve been the one he’s been cheating on Thomas with but either way I need my friend. Can you be my best friend? Without the flirting and all, can you do that?”

“yeah, yeah of course, of course Cal.” Luke doesn’t hesitate to pull Calum into his lap, wrapping his arms around the smaller boy. “I’m so sorry, I really am so so sorry.” Calum doesn’t cry, he doesn’t say anything and he doesn’t move, he just sits there, pressed against Luke with his hands holding onto his shirt, and Luke doesn’t say anything either, not at first.

“I should have noticed, I should have listened to you guys when you told me he wasn’t good for me, that I should leave him.” Calum finally speaks up, after ten or so minutes of them just sitting there.

“I’ll help you get over him Calum, don’t worry.” Luke says, and after a moment he adds “and I’ll be here when you change your mind about me, because I am better than him.” there’s another pause and then “Just saying.”

5 Seconds of Summer BoyXBoy one-shotsحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن