Chapter 1

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“Don’t look, Bracken,” seventeen year old Piper Ravenswood warned her grey-eyed friend as she slowly shuffled behind a tree to change her underwear.
    “Can’t guarantee that, Piper,” Bracken chuckled, however, despite his light tone of voice, she prayed for it to be true.
    The world was run by men, and it was reasonable that none of the local shops sold or manufactured pads or tampons. It was lucky for the royal brothers of Azuria not to be burdened with figuring out how to design a pad or tampon correctly, but unfortunately for Piper, that meant gathering truck loads of papers and towels monthly.
    Piper forgot about her bare legs until she shuffled into her sleeping bag with Bracken. The feeling of the rough skin of his legs against her’s made Piper flinch.
    I forgot to cover up.
    If Bracken had noticed, he didn’t show it, and Piper didn’t want to find out either.
    The young girl looked into the silver tainted eyes of her friend, only to find bloody red streaks staining them.
    People would’ve thought that if a girl and boy were to hang out so closely as Piper and Bracken did for two years would create a spark of romance. However, for Piper, she felt nothing. On the other hand, Bracken had lately been rather... unstable. Piper would be lying if she said that she has never noticed the prominent bulge within her friend’s pants.
    A small part of her refused to believe it. She didn’t want to lose faith within her only friend.
    “Your eyes are red,” Piper states, “do you mind my neck? My wrists has been a little sore lately.”
    Bracken nodded eagerly, and his messy brown hair tickled Piper’s cheek as he bent towards her bare neck to take a few sips from.
    For a few seconds, the only sound apart from the constant chirping of crickets and rustle of leaves were the sound of lips sucking against skin.
    Piper could feel that her friend was done drinking, as the pressure within her skin had dramatically alleviated, however, confusingly, his lips hadn’t left her neck.
    Piper yelped as she felt his rough hands grasp her brℯasts.
    “What are you-”
    “Please, please, just let me get a taste of sex again. It’s been two years.” Bracken whispered while shifting Piper’s body to be positioned below his.
    “No, Bracken! What’s gotten into you?” the girl yelped, as she pushed her fists into his chest. “We are friends, remember? You promised me!”
    Piper’s chest and throat stung, and her vision grew blurry. “You promised when I met you that you’d respect me! That’s why I’ve stuck with you through these years!”
    Piper curled her fingers into fists. She always knew that one day she’d need to fight a man for her own life, but never had she expected the man to be her only friend, and never had she expected fighting to be so hard.
    Piper’s yells failed to enter Bracken’s dreamy state of mind as he desperately kissed Piper’s neck and cheek, his hands snaking their way between her bare thighs and rubbing.
    “I trusted you!”
    Piper’s shriek rang through the forest, and cut through Bracken’s daze like a knife.
    His eyes widened and the red streaks within his iris faded within seconds.
    “I-I’m sorry.”
    The shuffle of blankets could be heard as he quickly got off of the young girl, who was still shaking from the event that occurred moments before.
    No one spoke, and for a few minutes, the darkness of the night engulfed the two beings within her arms. The broken connection between Piper and Bracken were filled by the sound of crickets and the cooing of the wind.
    Piper wished it would stay like this.
    “Do you want me to make you forget this?” Bracken interrupted the calm lullaby of nature.
    Piper stared up towards at the stars that flaunted their light, competing with each other.
    A few moments passed.
    “I’m so sorry I-”
    “If you compel me to forget this, I’ll remember it within a month. I don’t want to have to deal with the process of remembering this. I’d rather stuff it at the back of my mind.” Piper whispered, and blinked.
    “I am so sorry, Piper, please-” Bracken’s voice broke and he turned his body from the skies to focus on the greater beauty, the girl beside him.
    Her dark hair was tousled, and despite his efforts, Piper’s gaze looked past him and towards the stars instead.
    “I shouldn’t have done that. It’s not excuse that I’m a vampire, I’m sorry, I’m sorry.” he pled. His heart ached for the voice of his friend, or could he even call her that. His question was always what Piper looked at him as, but his answer was now answered.
    “If you’re a vampire,” Piper breathed, “why do you stay with me? You should be up with the brothers at the center of Azuria. Not with a pathetic human like me who’s too afraid to be touched.” Piper laughed dryly.
    “If I were to leave to The Palace, I’d have to leave you behind.” Bracken whispered, noticing how Piper moved on from the previous subject.
    “But there you could live in a big room. You could eat honey glazed turkey, and drink blood that doesn’t come from a weak human.” Piper reasoned, her voice growing lighter.
    “Yeah, but no matter what is ready to be provided to me there, I’d rather stay with you. I can’t lose you.”
    A tiny voice at the back of Piper’s mind thought, “Is it that you can’t lose me because I am your best friend, or because you want my body?” However, Piper did not speak her thoughts.
    A part of her heart ached as she thought about how her friend has changed. He had always been so kind, so caring, and had always respected her body like she had asked him to when she first met him in the woods.
    Oh what happened?
    Piper covered her eyes with her fingers, and slowly breathed.
    “You sleepy?” Bracken asked, his large hands pushing back the strands of hair that settled on her cheek.
    Immediately, Piper recoiled. His touch, his fingers, and his skin were so familiar. They had been imprinted on her thighs, her neck, and her body, and she was afraid.
    Stop being so stupid. He’s your friend, he won’t do it again,
    “I’m not sleepy,” Piper said, “you?”
    “Nah. Wanna go into Azuria and grab a drink or two? Just to...” Bracken almost said, forget what I had done to you, but instead, he said, “Just to loosen up?”
    Piper pondered the idea for a moment, “sure.”
    Again, Piper hid behind a tree trunk as she wrapped a long piece of cloth around her brℯasts, struggling to hide the curves of her body.
    From behind the tree, Bracken handed her shapeless pants and a jacket with a hood.
    Then, blushing, Piper stuffed some paper between her thighs to create the bulge that Bracken had.
    Piper shuffled from behind the tree and Bracken stole a quick glance over her body. He never expected Piper to notice it, however, she did and she struggled not to cower.
    Stop being stupid. She scolded herself, Bracken’s your friend. He’s kept you alive through everything.
     “Ready.” Piper confirmed as she tucked her hair into the jacket.
    With each of their footsteps twigs snapped and leaves crunched.
    Even though Piper didn’t show any signs of it, Bracken was still bothered by how easily she seemed to have shaken off his actions.
    An ‘I’m sorry’ blocked his throat, and he wasn’t sure whether to choke it up or keep it within him, buried in shame.
    Piper’s blood tasted like honey, however, he was too afraid to say so in case she was afraid that one day he’d lose control. Bracken recalled the taste of her skin against his lips and tongue.
    Oh, just how he craved that she had her arms around his neck, kissing back and whispering her love for him.
    How cliche, Bracken scolded himself. He couldn’t afford to lose Piper.
    His eyes turned towards Piper, and for a moment, all he could feel was the lust he had for her. He shook his head, “yeah?”
    “Before, you asked if I wanted you to compel me so that I could forget about...this.”
    Bracken felt a pang of guilt, “what about it?”
    “I was just wondering, have you ever compelled me before?”
    “You think I would?” Bracken asked, hurt.
    “N-no, I was just wondering. Just curious.”
    “I haven’t,” he said truthfully.
    “Thank you.”
    There was silence for the rest of the walk. Then, slowly, the hum of loud music grew more and more prominent.
    A wave of heat and the scent of alcohal oozed over both Piper and Bracken’s faces as they entered the club. Disgusted, Piper turned her head away from the TV screens that showed obscene videos and images of women.
    Transgendered women walked around the bar, catching the interests of some, but being shooed away by others.
    “Two shots of whatever you’ve got the strongest of.” Bracken ordered as he sat down on one seat. Piper did the same beside him.
    Despite being covered in shapeless clothing with a hood covering more than half of her face, Piper was petrified.
    “You okay?” Bracken nudged. He resisted the urge to pull her close to his body. But doing that would be a death sentence.
    “No,” she breathed, keeping her voice low, “it’s him.”
    Bewildered, Bracken looked in the direction Piper stared fearfully towards.
    His breath hitched in his throat. The rich red cloth with golden threads was hard to miss.
    Why is he patrolling a bar? Bracken wondered. He could sense no blood pumping through the guard’s body, and his heart wasn’t beating. Another vampire.
    “We should leave,” Bracken whispered, and grabbed the girl’s hand, about to drag her towards the exit.
    “Nobody move, and nobody leave!” A voice roared from the corner of the bar. Everybody turned towards the guard who eyed each and everyone in the room suspiciously.
    “I smell...blood.” The man’s buff figure easily moved past other men in the room. Everyone recognized the red and golden uniform, of course he was a vampire.
    “Are you sure it isn’t just some paper cut?” Another vampire in a uniform emerged from the other corner of the bar.
    Bracken swore and slowly got up to his feet, pulling Piper with him.
    Please, please, please, don’t let me lose her.
    “It’s different,” the first guard replied, moving in the direction of Piper, “it’s not just the usual blood.”
    Piper tensed. Of course.
    If only she had checked her underwear, making sure that her blood hadn’t soaked through the thin towel.
    Her heart plummeted to her chest the second one guard focused directly on herself. The man nodded to his partner.
    How stupid it was of Bracken to think that he could outrun the guards who were specifically turned by the Azurian brothers themselves.
    Rough hands grabbed Piper, tearing her away from Bracken. The man who held Piper made no attempt of gently holding her, instead, his large, rough hands, grasped her brℯasts, and caressed her neck, while whispering in her ear, “Found you, baby.”
    Piper gurgled out a scream at the site of Bracken’s neck being roughly twisted. His eyes rolled back, and his body crumpled. Over time, he would heal, but Piper needed her friend right now more than any other time.
    “No!” she wailed, feeling her sweater being ripped in half, revealing her binded torso.
    “What is this shit?” the man cackled. If he was some normal, kind, person Piper had seen on the street, she would blush at the thought of intimacy, however, right now, Piper begged for herself to pass out.
    The binder was easily unrolled, revealing her naked brℯasts to the entire bar of men.
    “Stop, please!” Piper shrieked, feeling her loose pants being pulled down.
    “I’m going to fill you up so good,” the guard cackled, while his partner snapped the necks of whichever male human who tried to join in.
    The hopelessness of the situation dragged down Piper’s movements. In a room of thirty men who had not seen a woman in ages, her death sentence had been signed.
    The young girl felt rough fingertips press against the back of her skull, pushing her towards her harasser.
    “Don’t move.” he commanded, his pupils diluting.
    Against her own will, Piper’s actions ceased and her arms dropped to her sides.
    Her mouth refused to let out a scream as the man kneeded her brℯasts with his dirty hands.
    “She said stop, didn’t she?”
    The man’s laughing ceased and his hands froze.
    Piper’s skin stung from the cold air, and her tears blurred her eyes. She struggled to blink them away to see who had spoken.
    “Y-yes sir.”
    The weight on her brℯasts were released as she felt the man step away from her body.
    “I will kill you later, but now, oh, look at what you’ve found...”
    The voice was low, rough, and could Piper admit it?— seductive.
    Piper’s breath hitched in her throat when she felt rough skin glide across her face, making their way towards her neck, brℯasts, and trailing around her nipple.
    “P-please,” she gasped. The effects of the man’s compulsion was slowly wearing off. “Stop.”
    The man’s finger tilted her chin up, and Piper blinked the tears away, clearing her vision.
    Oh no.
    Her lip quivered, and the man brought his thumb to rub her face gently.   
    Despite his caring and gently actions, Piper could see the prominent, and rather large bulge within his pants.
    She gulped and forced her tears down.
    “Do you know who I am?” the man asked, smirking down towards her while taking in the skin she had exposed.
    Piper was silent for a few moments. “Zayn Blythe.”
    The man’s hazel eyes twinkled, yet there was an unsettling evil behind them.
    “Yes, and it’s such wonderful news that you’ve been found,” Zayn kneeled down to the height of Piper and rubbed her brℯasts softly with his hand, kneading it.
    “P-please stop.” Piper begged her ruler, the situation was hopeless.
    “Darling,” Zayn grinned while leaning down to suck her nipple, “there are so many things I want to do to you right now.”


Harry and the rest of the characters will be introduced in the next chapter, weeee :)

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- Forget Me.


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 18, 2015 ⏰

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