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tw: death, abortion, emotional break, language

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tw: death, abortion, emotional break, language.

Emily Prentiss' pov:

"What?" I ask panicked.

"Emily, he's dead."

I gasp and my knees grow weak. "Dad isnt- No he can't be- He can't be gone." I cry out.

Ariana isn't here, she's out with Aaron. Which is good; I don't want her to see me so weak, so vulnerable, and so lost. My dad didn't have to be a good one for me to love him.

"Emily he was never around. Why are you so heart broken?" My mother shames.

"Because that's my father." I deadpan.

"He had liver failure, from all the alcohol." My mom explains, emotionless.

"Tell me you're kidding, you don't even care he's dead? You were married to him for 20 years. You have his last name." I say sarcastically.

"Emily, he's a cheating, alcoholic, bastard and now he may rot. You need to let him go."

I hang up the phone. She can't show the littlest but if sympathy? My fathers dead. It isn't her fault he's dead, that doesn't mean she can't use her heart. My pain courses through my body like i've been struck by lightning. My dad taught me how to handle my mother, how to love myself, and do what I wanted to do. He was my bestfriend until he started drinking when I was 15, then the cheating came along. Mother ignored it all, like it wasn't real. I moved from posting to posting with her until 18, because I wasn't safe with him.


I don't bother to pull myself together and go into work. I knock on Hotch's door as I open it and luckily Aria isn't in there. "I've got to take some time off." I tell him.

"Emily are you okay? What's wrong?" He asks frantically.

A tear falls from my eye, I can't stop it. "My dad passed this morning."

He nods. "We've got a case, but you're excused from it."

I pause in the doorway. "What is it?"

He looks down to his paperwork. "Nothing more important than your father. How long will you be out?"

"About 11 days. I'm flying to Oregon to plan the funeral and then leaving a couple days to grieve." I tell him.

"That's okay. I can give Ariana 10 days off, but I do need her here today." He informs me.

I nod. "Aaron?" Hotch looks up, surprised at me saying his actual name. "Thank you."

He gives a tight lipped smile. "I'm sorry for your loss."

I shake my head and wipe the tears off of my face. "It's fine."

"It's not fine." Hotch tells me.

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