When things don't go as Planned

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Ever have one of those days where life just sucks?
You had the perfect plan
And it just all goes wrong?
Nothing turns out the way its supposed to?
And you keep repeating thing didn't go as planned.

You wake up late don't have time to eat breakfast or you'll miss the bus and you run out the door
Forgetting something
And you run back to get it
And run back and see that your bus already stopped at your bus stop. Then you say to yourself
Things didn't go as planned.

And then it starts to rain and you get soaking wet as you walk home. You have to change and  your mom takes you to school giving you a lecture all the way to school for oversleeping and you being late.
You get detention for being late and then when you get to class you realized that you have a exam and forgot to study. And get a zero then you trip and fall in the hall. Or forget lunch money for lunch and can't eat. Can't help but think things didn't go as planned.

Those are the worst days to have, and you just want to die or move to Canada. But be thankful for those days that didn't go as planned.

Because the days that are the worst day will make you stronger.
When things don't go as planned get back up and try again. Those  worst days remember them because those bad days, you will learn from and will make you stronger even if things didn't go as planned.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 28, 2021 ⏰

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