When I walked out of my closet after getting ready, Theo and Alex were sitting on the couch in front of my fireplace, reading the books that were sitting on my coffee table. They both wore black dress robes and bow ties in different shades of blue. Theo had his brown soft wavy hair gelled back and Alex let his famous Black curls fall in front of his face.

"You look beautiful, Stell", Alex said looking up from his book.

"Why thank you, Mr. Black. You look amazing yourself, and you too Mr. Nott", I teased. "How lucky am I too have two handsome men on my arm tonight?"

"Oh, we're men now?", Theo chuckled.

I rolled my eyes and grabbed both of Theo and Alex's hands. We walked out of my room and downstairs to the foyer where all the guests arrived. My parents were standing in the middle of the foyer greeting all the Ministry officials, Hogwarts professors, and family members of Pureblood families.

The three of us walked out to my backyard where the party is taking place. Just like last year, the party was being held in an all glass room. The room was decorated with warm Christmas colors and fireplaces lined the perimeter. Christmas trees were put in a triangle formation in front of the grand room, right behind the orchestra that was playing music as the guest entered.

Standing by the bar was Stass with Adrian, Blaise with Daphne Greengrass, and Draco with Pansy fucking Parkinson. Draco wore black dress robes with a dark green tie, contrasting Pansy's ruby red dress. His platinum blonde hair was gelled back with a small strand of his hair falling in front of his face. Fuck. He looks so hot.

"Do you want a drink?", Alex asked me, grabbing a glass of champagne from the bar.


"Can I get a vodka lemonade?", Alex asked the bartender. "I'm giving you a free pass to get drunk tonight"

"Aw, really?"

"Yes, and I'll hold your hair"

"You're the best", I said throwing my arms around him and hugging him tightly. "Just don't let me get too wasted because I need to be sober enough to get out of my dress"

Alex passed me the glass filled half way with vodka and the other half with lemonade. I mixed the drink up with the thin straw and took a sip. Draco watched me as I drank my vodka lemonade and took Pansy's hand, taking her out to the dance floor. The two of them started to slow danced to the beautiful orchestra. This is starting to feel like the Yule Ball all over again.

Just last year, I was the one on the dance floor slow dancing to Draco while Theo and Pansy were together. This year, I'm just the girl who's alone by the bar drinking by herself watching everyone with their dates. I appreciate Theo and Alex being good friends by offering to be my dates so I don't feel left out, but it's just not the same.

I used to always attend the Snowflake Ball with Theo and we would have the best time together. When we were kids, Theo and I used to sled down the hill, pissing our mothers off because we were wearing our clothes would get wet from the snow. We would kiss under the mistletoe at midnight and sneak out of the party early so we could cuddle up by the fireplace in my bedroom. Now, I'm going to be leaving the party early alone and will be sulking by the fireplace instead of cuddling up next to someone.

"Let's go dance", Alex said holding his arm out to me. "You're on the verge of crying into your drink"

"That obvious?", I asked, setting the glass down and taking his arm.

"Yes", he chuckled. "I know that this year's Snowflake Ball is a little tough for you because you're here alone this year, but that doesn't mean you have to spend it watching Draco and Pansy be together"

"It's supposed to be the most romantic time of year and I'm spending it alone"

"You're not alone, you have me"

"I know", I sighed.

"Now, pick your chin up and put your hand on my shoulder"

Alex placed his hands on my waist and I put my hands on his shoulders. We swayed across the dance floor under the enchanted ceiling that had snow falling. He twirled me around and picked me up from the ground spinning me around. I'm so glad to have Alex. He's definitely making this night ten times better.

"Can I cut in?", Theo asked Alex.

"Sure. She's your date too", he chuckled.

Alex passed me over to Theo and I held Theo's hand in my right and placed my hand on his shoulder with his left. I rested my cheek against his soft velvet black dress robe as he pulls my in close, resting his chin on my bare shoulder.

"I hope Alex and I made your Christmas better", Theo said as we danced.

"You guys did, thank you", I said pulling my face away from his shoulder.

"I'm really sorry that things aren't going the way you planned. I know that you had your whole future planned out and I derailed it by cheating on you"

"It's alright, Theo. Our relationship probably wouldn't have lasted that long"

"Thanks... I guess..."

"You know what I mean", I said rolling my eyes. "You weren't happy in our relationship and making you stay would've been wrong"

"It wasn't that I was unhappy with you, I just didn't feel fulfilled. I didn't want to be tied down so early on in life"

"You sound like, Draco", I mumbled.

"Stell, you're a relationship girl, and sadly, boys our age aren't ready for girls like you yet. In time, Draco will see that you're amazing and he's a complete dick for letting you slip through his fingers"

"Getting back with Draco would be wrong, right?"

"Do you love him?"

"Yes...", I said looking down at the ground.

"How much do you love him?"

"Enough to get mushy when's hairs hair falls in front of his face while he does homework..."

"Aw, you're totally falling in love", he teased.

"Shut up", I scoffed.

"If you still love him after everything's he's done, you might want to do an evaluation"

"What do you mean?"

"The things he's said and done is pretty... It's not the greatest thing to do to someone you love"

"So you think I should give up?"

"No... I'm just saying you need to think things through. Whether he's going through a childish phase or this is what he's actually like, Draco has yet apologize to you or even showed an ounce of sympathy. You tend to let your feelings take over your judgement, this something you can't just brush over"

I do tend to let my feelings cloud my judgement. Throughout my relationship with Theo, I was too busy with the love aspect, I couldn't see that he didn't want to be with me anymore. I'm doing the same thing with Draco. He's treated me so poorly and I fight back in the moment but I always end up making excuses for him or just brush it under the rug. When he would make his snarky little comments about me dating Louis, I would always feel guilty about being with Louis instead of him. Maybe I should just start holding Draco accountable for his actions. He does the things he does because he's an ass, not because I broke his heart.

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