intruder alert

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"Uh hey!" she said as she entered the room. Bakugo turned around from the counter he was standing in front of and stared at the intruder.
"who the fuck are you?" he asked bitterly a little on edge as he didn't know her.
"Oh right, well you see"she began as she rubbed the back of her neck, "I-I'm new and i'm just trying to find my dorm and i think i might be in the wrong building." she spilt. "I'm Kaede." she said with a smile as she extended her hand. Katsuki couldn't figure her out. She seemed to be nervous but also outgoing... "Uh? Hello? Can you speak? Are you alive?" she was waving her hand in front of his face. He snapped out of it quickly shaking his head, turning his puzzled look into his normal scowl. "Obviously you got the wrong damn room four eyes. Sure it's a co-ed dorm but they arent fuckin co-ed rooms." He said, a little harsher than intended. Keade just stood there. shocked. Katsuki looked her up and down, short curly red brown hair, almost touching her shoulders, deep sea green eyes, and freckles everywhere. Her glasses were red and it brought out the red highlights in her hair. She was wearing a hoodie with a faded school name on it he couldn't make out, and her jeans were black and ripped to hell. she had a small chain hanging from her belt loops and she was wearing sk8 high vans. He looked back into her eyes and then realized she said something. "Wait what?" he asked.
"Jesus is this guy serious?" she said almost to herself "Are you gonna help me or not?" He was shocked. No one ever talked to him like that. I guess she really didn't know any better. Katsuki huffed and walked over to her, still in his pjs witch consisted of a pair of old basketball shorts.
"Yeah whatever freckles."
"I have a name you know." she said indignantly. "yeah well so do I freckles." he said. drawing out the nickname. "Names Katski Bakugo." she smirked and he didn't like it.
"Okay then kacchan , help me find my dorm." He could have died. Right then and there. she tossed her hair as she walked out the door and all he could do was watch. she was good.


flustered and a bit confused he followed her out of his dorm and into the open hallway, but not before throwing on a hoodie. he closed the door and made sure it was locked and looked at Keade. She really was beautiful. "What do you keep staring at?" her voice snaps him back to reality and the scowl returns with him.
"Oi shut it freckles. Let me see the paper." he said gruffly as he grabbed the sheet of paper from her hands. "That's why dumbass you're on the wrong side of the fucking building. Jesus christ didn't you take the goddamn tour." He made eye contact, big mistake. she looked tired. and frustrated and upset, almost like she could cry... but before he could say anything Bakugo heard the small sound of a door opening.
"Bakubro? Hey man who's this?" Asked the redhead.
"Can it shitty hair, this is.. uh .. Keade! Keade. *cough* Keade, this is Kirishima, also known as shitty hair. he's cool." bakugo said still recovering from that save.
"Hey Keade! It's so awesome to meet you!" Kiri exclaimed. She flinched a little at his fast moving hand but not enough for him to notice. she slowly extended her own in response.
"H-Hi! i-it's so great to meet you!" she was blushing. of course she was. this is shitty hair were talking about. Bakugos scowl deepened.
"Okay freckles let's get moving." bakugo huffed as he pushed past the two acquaintances.
"Jeez Bakubro there's no need to be in such a hurry." Kiri said jokingly.
"Yeah, yeah whatever. Let's go Keade" he retorted as he walked down the hall. Keade thanked kirishima once more before trailing after bakugo.
"He seems nice!" she said. Bakugo knew it was just an ice breaker but he was still a little butthurt so he just shrugged it off.
"Yeah whatever, just another extra." he shoved his hands in his pockets as the the hallway came to an end. there was a set of elevator doors in front of them and katski pulled his hand out of his pocket to press the "up" button. "So are you gonna tell me what the fuck just happened?" katski said through gritted teeth. He hated confrontation and he knew she was close to breaking. "What gives freckles?" he cocked an eyebrow and looked down at her. she was pretty short. 5'2? 5'3? she blushed and ran her hand through her hair.
"well i guess i just don't respond well to yelling is all, and today has been really stressful, and ya know you could be nicer. i'm just a poor lost girl looking for her stupid dorm. jeez." she rolled her eyes and locked her fingers together around the handle of her suitcase.
"tch, whatever. better get used to the cussing and yelling cuz i ain't gonna fuckin stop just because i hurt some round-face feelings." he shoved his hands deeper into his pockets and let out a long sigh. were they up stairs yet? out of this goddamn elevator. it seemed like they had been in there for an eternity. and just as if the doors could read his mind the opened with a *ding*. Bakugo stepped out into the empty hallway and looked back to see Keade trailing closely. They came to her dorm door and he confirmed it was the right one. Keade carefully opened the door and took a peak inside. no one seemed to be home. she looked back at bakugo who was staring at her again. but he just couldn't help himself. she set her suit case just inside the door and turned to face him.
"thank you kacchan." she said softly. she smiled up at him and blushed slightly, turning his face away before it was too obvious.
"Yeah whatever. you're the one who barged into my dorm, might as well put you where you belong." he shrugged teasingly. she giggled and ran her hand through her hair. the her face lit up like she just won the lottery.
"Give me your phone!" she exclaimed.
"what? why do you want my phone dumbass?" he retorted as he reluctantly handed it over. she just rolled her eyes and started typing a bunch. then she whipped out her phone and smiled in satisfaction.
"There, now i have your number." she was grinning from ear to ear.
"tch whatever." bakugo scoffed as he shoved his phone back into his pocket. he looked at her and she gazed back. he was blushing again. time to go.
"yeah okay whatever you're here now. i'm going back to my dorm. i cant leave my nerd roommate all by himself. see you around i guess." he spoke softly but aloof.
"yeah, okay. see you around kacchan." she giggled. he stopped dead in his tracks as he was walking back down the hallway. kacchan. tch whatever don't think about it katski. he thought to himself. he heard the dorm room door close behind her and the elevator doors opened, beckoning katski inside.
Once he was back in his dorm he finally looked at his phone out of curiosity, she had entered her phone number and sent herself a message.
"oh hey look it's kacchan!" it read. he looked at the name she had put in and chuckled in partial shock and partial defiance. "goddamnit four eyes" he said as he read it again and again.

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