Chapter 11:

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(This is how Zayn looks in the story right now)

New Update! Yassss haha. Hope you guys like it. Sorry of my other chapters are short. Ill try to make them longer. Love ya beauties ❤

Mixtli's P.O.V-

They boys are really fun to hang out with. We played spin the bottle. (clean version cuz of JJ.)

We played heads up, did competitions,. It was very fun.

After all the fun and games, we ate dinner. I was pretty surprised that Liam knew how to cook. Louis and Niall set up the table. Zayn was getting the plates and Harry was putting on some music.

Wow, this looked really nice. Maybe they all did change.....

"Dinner is ready!"

We all ran to the dining room like little kids. We all sat on the table and waited to be served. I felt kind of bad for not helping them.

"Do you need any help Liam?" I asked politely.

"Of you want to help serve that will be lovely." he said.

I ended up helping Liam serve because the were a lot of us. After everyone was served, we did in.

"Wow this is good." said JJ.

"Why thank you. I've never been complimented my cooking." Liam said with a smile.

JJ gave him a smile back.

After we ate dinner we watched a little bit of T.V. It was getting late so it was time for us go.

"Thanks for everything you guys. JJ here had a lot of fun." I said while leaving out the door.

The lads all followed us amd walked us out.

We got in the car and I tried to turn it on. Oh no. The car won't start.

Niall ran to the car and asked me what was wrong. I told him the problem.

"Not only does the car not work but you're tires are flat!" yelled Louis from the house.

I got out of the car amd saw that me tires were flat.

I also turned and saw that Harry's car tires were flat too.

I pointed at the car and Harry's gave was priceless.

"Who would do something like this?" he said.

"How are we going to make it to the studio tomorrow?" I asked.

"Why don't you guys sleep over for the night. If we can't make it to the studio, we can practice here. The living room is pretty big for us to practice the moves. We can use one of our rooms to practice the singing. Louis has some spare clothes for you." Zayn suggested.

That actually isn't a bad idea.

I wanted to go hug Zayn but that will be weird.

We went back inside and were deciding who was gonna sleeps where.

"There are five rooms and seven people." Louis said.

"I wouldn't mind if JJ and Mixtli slept in my room." Zayn suggested.

"I want to sleep by myself." JJ said while making a pouty face amd crossing her arms.

We all looked at her. I gave her a face. She didn't care. No one was going to win this fight.

"Fine you can have my room." Louis said. I'll sleep on the couch or with one of the boys.

"Its fine, I'll sleep on the floor in Zayn's room." I said while looking at Zayn.

"So Mixtli is sleeping in my room with JJ, Louis is sleeping next to Harry, Im sleeping on the couch amd Liam and Niall hae their own room?" Zayn asked.

We all nodded our head and went to the room.

JJ went to sleep really quickly once we got to Zayn's room.

I was planning on changing when I heard a knock on the door. Crap, I don't have a short on.

I hid behind the door and saw Louis with clothes on his hands.

"Here you go love, these were my mothers." he said with a smile.

"Thank you Louis." I said smiling back.

I changed my clothes and looked around Zayn's room. I looked at the picture he drew on his desk.

They were really cool drawings. Many of them looked like people singing, or dancing.

He is a really good artist.

I was getting tired so I went to sleep.

~ I woke up in the middle of the night to go get water. I went downstairs and saw one of the boys sitting there.

"Hello?" I whispered. No answer.

I walked up to this man. He seemed my age.

"Hello beautiful. I missed you when you were asleep." he said.

I couldn't tell the voice or I couldn't see or tell who's face or was. I went towards him. Ot was like a romantic scene. I looked at what I eas wearing. It was really short shorts and a bra.

"Come here. Let me taste you." he said.

At this point we ended up being real close. We made out till the point that our toumges were touching.

"You smell so nice Mixtli." he said.

I felt a beard on his face, messy hair amd strong arms.

"I love you." he said.

"I love you too." I said. We continied the little sing.

"Mixtli we have rehersals, wake up. Wake up!" ~~

I woke up to see Niall in front of my face. Was I dreaming. It felt so weird.

I got up and looked around the room. Well that was weird. It felt so real.

I see Niall smiling at me.

"You wouldn't want to miss this." he said while laughing.

I went to brush my teeth by using my finger. Then I put my hair in a bun and headed downstairs.

I see the boys sitting on the floor in the living room. Did they move all of the funiture? Wow.

I see all the boys with a smile on their face when they saw me.

Ok it was time to practice. Zayn and I had to practice our parts over and over again. When we practiced, it was at the part when our faces were together.

I had to touch his face while he grabbed my waste. His face was really soft until I got to jis beard. Wait a minute.

Was I dreaming about Zayn?

This is not possible. I don't even like him. I like Niall. What am I saying?!

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