Only One I Need - Paterson x Reader

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Summary: Taking a bath with your husband, Paterson, while he recites poetry to you... just plain fluff

A/N: somewhat NSFW version can be found on AO3 under soupremeleader 

Paterson wasn't always great at voicing his desires, usually too shy and afraid of seeming too needy to ask what he wanted, what he really needed. Most often what he longed for was just to be as close to you as possible. You were pretty sure if he could he would have crawled right into you, melting into you so you became one - making his little home there, at peace surrounded by you.

Paterson loved having you around him, even better if you were snuggled up next to him reading or when you took baths together in each other's arms, just talking and laughing and relaxing together. Today was one of those lazy days, pressed together in the tub, enjoying each other's company and just happy to hold each other - to be. 

You shifted slightly in the tub so that you were hugging your husband, your head nestled under his chin while your face rested on his chest and your arms wrapped around him. You then tucked your legs in so you were essentially kneeling over him, his legs still bent and propped up behind you to keep you in place and cozy.

Paterson let out a long exhale, pleased and content with this new arrangement, leaning back and closing his eyes, letting the feeling of you overtake his senses. You brought one of your hands up to play with his hair and he melted further, relaxing and letting all his worries fall away.

Everything was better with you here. You were the only one he wanted and the only one he needed - your little two person and one dog family filling his heart with love and joy to the point that it brimmed over and spilled into everything he did. If Paterson was gentle, it was because you made him so. If he was calm, it was because you soothed his soul. Everything he did, he did for you, and he'd do it again a thousand times over.

You let Paterson's heartbeat dictate your own, the rise and fall of his chest falling into place with your rhythm - two people so wholly in love that at times it was as if they became one person, one living and breathing thing that existed in these rare serene moments you allowed yourselves to have in your busy lives.

As you ran your fingers through his hair, Paterson would let out deep rumbles of satisfaction that almost sounded like purring, the feeling of it vibrating your whole body. You asked him to recite to you some of his favorite poetry, loving the way his baritone voice sounded in the bathroom - the way it reverberated and bounced off and seemed to fill the room.

You closed your eyes and let him lull you into a half-awake state, your fingers curling around his dark waves, toying with locks of his hair as you listened to him recite Pablo Neruda's Don't Go Far Off . You let the words float around you in the space as Paterson repeated the poem from memory, expressing in Neruda's prose what you both felt so deeply for each other.

"Don't go far off, not even for a day, because --

because -- I don't know how to say it:

a day is long and I will be waiting for you,

as in an empty station when the trains are parked off somewhere else,


Don't leave me, even for an hour, because

then the little drops of anguish will all run together,

the smoke that roams looking for a home

will drift into me, choking my lost heart.

Oh, may your silhouette never dissolve on the beach;

may your eyelids never flutter into the empty distance.

Don't leave me for a second, my dearest,

because in that moment you'll have gone so far

I'll wander mazily over all the earth, asking,

Will you come back? Will you leave me here, dying?"

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