Introduction: Rules and Requests

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Hello everyone and welcome to my idea of me writing a oneshot book for one of my favorite horror games becoming a reality, since I noticed there are no oneshot books of At Dead Of Night-

If you're looking to read oneshots of At Dead Of Night, you've come to the right place! Before I get started on taking requests, I wanted to go over some rules that I will be implementing when it comes to requesting, so please read them before you make a request.


1. No NSFW, as some of the characters (and my ocs) are underaged, and if you're into that, please be advised that the FBI should be knocking on your door any minute now-

2. Please be patient while I'm writing your request. I tend to get busy outside of Wattpad, so understand that I won't be as active sometimes.

3. Do NOT spam your request. For whatever reason Wattpad doesn't give me notifications sometimes, but that does not give you any right to be spamming me to write your request. If you do that, then I will block you.

4. Do not be harassing anyone here in the comments. We're all here to vibe and have a good time while reading, and if you decide to ruin that, then let's just say your kneecap privileges will be revoked.

5. Have fun :)

Now that the rules are out of the way, lemme show you the oneshot options along with what I will and will not be writing.

Oneshot options:


Jimmy Hall/Hugo Punch

Amy Bell

Dr. Bose


Rose Hall

Wendy Von Skenazy (My Oc)

What I will be writing:


Platonic Relationships


What I will NOT be writing:





You get the idea-

I will be taking a limited amount of requests so I can balance time, so when I make the announcement that requests are closed, they are closed.

Anyway go ahead and request what you want me to write!

At Dead Of Night Oneshot Book (Open!)Where stories live. Discover now