"I've already texted him the address he'll come whenever he has time."

I got up and headed to a small desk semi put in my room. I got out a few pieces of paper and notebooks from my backpack and started lazily writing down notes.

"osamu gave me some notes on what we did yesterday. I'm just going to write them down, I'll be downstairs in a second." I saw semi nod from the corner of my eye and he thought for a moment.

"dont take too long... tendou is coming so if-"

"yeah yeah got it thanks" I cut him of and he closes the door, letting out a loud "rude" so I can hear him.

a couple of minutes later the door opened and a tall figure walked around my room. I ignored it thinking it was semi, looking for something but it kept getting closer and closer.

two long hands rested on my shoulders and tendou slowly leaned forward, getting in my field of vision. his eyes were wider than ever and he had his usual cat smirk plastered on his face.

"what the fuck are you doing?" he said looking at me sideways.

"homework" I simply answered and got back to writing.

"hmmm. that's not fun" he squinted his eyes and stood back up. he took a look around my room, my buzzing phone catching his attention.

"you have a text" he came closer and put the phone down on my desk.

"who is it?" I didn't get my eyes off the notebook, thinking it may be Yamaguchi.

"it's your boyfriend. want me to read the te-"

"no." I cut him off, snatching the phone and putting it under my notebook.

"OooooO okok. me and semi semi have practice now... don't burn the house down~" he walked towards the door.

"says the one who actually burned his house. WAIT HOLD ON I HAVE A QUESTION" I got up and he stopped walking, right in front of the door.


"is that hunk practicing with you? and if he is, can I come?" his face turned serious and he put his left hand on my shoulder.

"you're a victim" he said but his eyes screamed "if you distract us you're homeless."

"I'll take that as a yes. let me put on a jacket." he nodded and got out of the room. I grabbed a random zip up from my bag and ran downstairs.

we finally reached the school gym and the guys went to change for practice. I entered the gym and sat down on the stands close to the door, taking out my phone to finally text suna back.


nugget have you seen
my volleyball jacket?

please don't tell me you're

gonna use it as a cum towel.

you saw...

I did

well have you seen my jacket?

no sorry...
please use a towel
not clothes

I will

oh ew ok
you didn't even try to deny it

it's not my fault...
it was hot



I can't
yk what



I look up from my phone, feeling like I'm being stared at. I see a tall, muscular guy staring at my chest area and I immediately recognize him.

"excuse you" I say zipping my black, oversized jacket all the way up but he just keeps staring.

"why are you here?" he says in a monotonous way and I hear semi shout from afar.

"she's my cousin... I hope you don't mind her here." he said and ushijima pointed at my mama milkers.

"your jacket. it says inarizaki?" my jacket is plain black... what is he talking about?

"what? no it doesn't." I opened my front camera and it indeed, said "inarizaki" on it. tendou came from behind ushijima and stood in front of me, his hands resting on his hips.

"y/n turn around" he said and took my phone, opening the camera app. I turned around and heard tendou gasp, then some clicking noises.


hey it's tendou.
this dumb hoe thought she
was wearing her black jacket

*you in suna's "no.10" jacket*

this you?

if I find a stain on it
consider her dead.




you thought this was a wholesome story?
watch me get bored and making a filler chapter 😗✌🏽



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ahaha - suna x readerOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora