Your first day

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On your first day of work your alarm rings  at 7am. You wake easily like usual even tho you don't know what to expect from this first day. You get dress and make sure you look professional. You take a good but fast breakfast to make sure to have some place in the train. When you're done eating you go to the train station. There is a lot of people a usual so you're glad you came earlier. Few minutes later, your trains arrives and you get in as soon as you can to make sure you don't miss it. It takes about 20 minutes to arrive to the building you work.  When you enter you look at your phone to see what time it is. You notice that you have time to go to the coffee machine before you gotta meet your superior. You go get a coffee then go in the elevator, you press the botton of the 7th floor. When you enter the room, you see your superior. It's  the second time you see him. You remember he told you to call him sir or mister Liu.

-Today, you're gonna start by meeting all artists you need to take care of. You have dream, french kiss and Miyavi. He says.

- Sir, Idon't wanna look rude but that's a lot don't you think ? Theres minimum 3 memebers by groups. You reply.

-You won't have to work with all of them at the same time. You'll take care of the groups one by one. He answers.

- I was scared, I couldn't take care of them all at the same time. 

You and your superior go to the meeting room. You all the groups but you notice that there's missing an artist you didn't meet yet so you ask:

-Where is Miyavi? 

-He is probably outside or getting a coffee. We'll wait a bit. Mister Liu says. 

About 5 minutes later, Miyavi enters the room. 

-Not to be rude but why do i need a babysitter now? He says.

-Sir,  my work is just to make sure you're happy with the work you do and that your pesonal informations get leaked. You reply.

-Ok lady, if your superior says you have to I'll let you do it.

-Thank you. you say.

You 3 talk for about 30 minutes. You explain in details what you'll do when you will be working with him. He leaves and mister Liu tells you:

-This is all for today, you can go and search about the groups you're going to work with. Tomorrow you'll work with Miyavi.

You leave the room and go to the elevator. Then you go to the train station. You sit and wait for the train and wait for the one you need to take. When it arrives you get in. Again it takes about 20 minutes to arrive. When you get home you go take a warm bath, to release the stress you had. You put some music on. Few minutes later, you get out of the bath and put a robe on then go make food. When you're done you go open your computer and do researches on people you'll work with. After few hours, you go to bed and wish your first day working with Miyavi will be great.

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