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So I kinda fell out of my whole Harry Potter phase? I think that's what I'd call it. Hence why I haven't updated in a long ass time. I'll still be writing and stuff, cause I do still enjoy writing, but updates def won't be super often.

I'm actually in the process of writing a new chapter rn :) yayyyy

If anyone has any suggestions for different characters to write for (don't have to be from HP), feel free to comment them here! I've been thinking about starting a new book, but idk who to write it about :/

OH also, I probably won't write smut for this. It doesn't necessarily make me uncomfortable to write, but I do know some people IRL who know about this book so it would be kinda awko taco tbh.

Thank you for understanding <3

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 08, 2021 ⏰

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