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'' texts "" speech

About 5 weeks later and I had another ultrasound, hopefully we can find out what gender the baby is.

Dr: "there's baby.. healthy heartbeat"

Me: "can you tell if it's a boy or girl?"

Dr: " I can do you want to know?"

Oliver: "yes please"

Dr: "it's a boy"

Me: "a boy!!" A few tears fell onto my cheek.

Oliver: "one of each"

We drove home, in comfortable silence. Oliver had his hand on my thigh the entire drive.

Me: "we should announce that I'm pregnant"

Oliver: "okay Bub"



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We did a gender reveal and announced that it was a boy

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We did a gender reveal and announced that it was a boy. I started painting is room, after about a month I'd finished.

 I started painting is room, after about a month I'd finished

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Me: "love, I've finished painting"

Oliver: "can I come see now darling?"

Me: "yeah"

Oliver walked in with Anna, just like when I showed him Alianna's room he stood there shocked.

Me: "what do you think?"

Oliver: "I love it!! It's amazing!"

I was just about to thank him when my phone rang, I checked it was my manger.

Me: "it's my manager I have to get this"

Oliver: "alright Bub"

Phone call:

Me: "hello"

Manager: "hello Darcy! Niall Horan wants to do a song with you!!"

Me: "......"

Manager: "Darcy?"

Me: "oh yeah I'm here. I'm sorry he what"

Manager: "he wants to do a song with you! What do you say?"

Me: " OH MY GOD! YES!!"

Manager: " I'll give his manager your number and he'll pass it onto Niall. Bye Darcy"

Me: "okay thank you bye!"


Oliver: "what is it Bub?"

Anna: "mama?"

Me: " Niall Horan wants to do a song with me! Me?!"

Oliver: "oh my! Well done angel"

Me: "thank you! I can't believe it"

Oliver: "believe it"


'Hi, is this Darcy it's Niall my manager gave me your number'

'Hi, yeah it's me. How are you?'

'I'm good, how are you and congratulations on your pregnancy'

'I'm fine and thank you'

'Did your manager tell you I wanted to do a song with you?'


'Okay. Are you free Thursday?'

'Thursday should be fine. Thursday at 2?'

'See you then. I'll text you the address of the studio'

'Okay, see you then'

Me: "Ollie!"

Oliver: "I'm right her angel what is it"

Me: "oh yeah. Look!" I showed him the texts.

Oliver: "well done angel!"

Oliver and the love of his lifeWhere stories live. Discover now