Chapter 1

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"Come on Ito," I said holding my hand out behind me. Once I felt my daughters tiny hand in mine I walked out of the door with her and turned to close and lock it, "Aunt Kita is going to be picking you up from school today." I didn't get a response so I looked down at the small six year old beside me. She was starring at the open door to our neighbour's apartment.

"Ito," I said waving a hand in front of her face. She shook her head and then pointed towards the door, "Can we go say hi to our new neighbour?" "Later today, okay?" I said as I locked the door and looked down at her. "Yup," She says happily with a smile on her face. "Okay, now let's get you to school!"

~Time Skip~

After dropping Ito off at school I went straight to work, and got there just in time to be sent off to help my coworkers. "(Y/N)! Over here!" I heard one of my coworkers yell to me over the noise of the crowd. Reporters had swarmed the place even though they were told to stay back, civilians were everywhere looking for their belongings, family members or friends.

I had managed to make my way through the crowd and to my coworker. She was next to a small boy and was talking to a women who I'm guessing is his mother. "(Y/N)!" My coworker had said when she noticed me, "My quirk isn't used for healing purposes." She motions to his arm.

I nodded my head and sat down beside the boy, "Is it okay if I take a look at your arm?" He nodded his head and I gently took his arm in my hands. It seemed to be the most injured thing on his body. "Is my son going to be okay?" His mother asked. I could see the worry on her face, and I can only imagine how worried she must be.

I looked over his arm and closed my eyes for a second activating my quirk. He had a broken bone and a large gash in his forearm. He would have to wear a cast, and be taken to the hospital for the broken bone, but I can fix the gash here.

"He'll be alright," I give her a sympathetic smile, "He has a broken bone and a gash on his forearm." The mother seemed to get a bit more worried by my words, but at the same time seemed to relax slightly. The boy seemed quite worried at what I had said as well. He seemed to be about the same age as Ito.

"I can deal with the gash right now, and I can try my best with the broken bone, but he'll still need a cast and will be brought to the hospital as soon as possible so that they can take a better look at it," I said and the mother nodded.

I turned to the boy and gave him a smile, "I'm going to fix that cut on your arm now, okay?" He nodded his head and he seemed nervous, "Don't worry, it won't hurt, and you could have a pretty cool scar after." I could see a small smile make it's way onto his face. I activated my quirk and held his arm up with one of my hands while I held the other one over the gash.

A small blue light came from my hand above the gash and the gash slowly began the close. The light from my other hand was blocked by his arm, but it was still somewhat visible. I won't be able to fully fix the broken bone, but I can do my best.

My quirk will give him about an hour of pain relief where he won't feel the pain from the broken bone, since the gash has fully healed he won't feel any pain from it. I look over the small scar from the gash and make sure that it was fully healed. I then look around trying to find a paramedic from one of the ambulances that is at the scene.

Once my coworker and I had managed to get the boy to an ambulance she was off again to assist with another one of our coworkers with her quirk. I look around trying to see if I could find another person that I could be able to help. "(Y/N)!" I turn around to see my boss coming towards me, "I need you to head over there," he points behind him, "We were able to clear the reporters away from one of the Hero's who needs healing."

I nod my head and quickly hurry off in the direction he had pointed in. I find the area that the reporters had been cleared out of, which is most likely because they had already gotten everything they needed from the injured Hero.

I looked around the area until I spotted the Hero, Red Riot. I approached him with a smile, "Hi, I was told that you were injured." "Oh ya, just a few scratches, nothing too bad," He pointed to his chest. I blinked a few times before shaking my head slightly.

I nodded my head and got to work, holding my hands over his chest and activating my quirk. I know that if Ito finds out that I healed him and didn't get an autograph for her she would freak out, but I'm not going to bother him for one since he probably had a few people asking for one before this.

He's Ito's favourite Hero, well she says that I'm her favourite Hero and he's her second favourite, but I don't think that I can really count as a Pro Hero since I only deal with the after math, helping any one who is injured.

I watch as the few scratches fade away, there probably would have been a lot more damage and some scars if it wasn't for his quirk. "There you go, good as new," I say standing up and smiling at him. "Thank you," He smiles as he looks down to where the few scratches were, "That's an awesome quirk you have."

"It's nothing special really, just a healing quirk," I say with a small smile. I've never actually had anyone complement my quirk before. "No it's awesome!" He assures me and was about to continue when I was called again by another coworker. "It was nice to meet you," I say with a smile before rushing off to help someone else.

I like my job, I'm able to help people but without all of the attention on me, but still get to be a Hero, which I think is Ito's favourite part, getting to say that her Mom is a Hero.

AN- I hope you enjoyed the start of this story. It will probably be slow on updates, just to warn you. 

Word Count ~ 1147

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