White clouds and a Distorted Rainbow

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"Inhale, exhale," I told myself as I was standing in front of a strange house. The house had a baby blue exterior with a plain white door and a dark brown roof. "Looks like a normal house from here but where am I?" I ask myself confused. "Excellent question" M tells me showing up at my side. "M how'd you get here?" I ask. "Eh, I kinda want to see this too, anyway I'll let you explore but as soon as cool stuff happens I'm coming," she said staring blankly at the sky with her arms begins her back. "Alright fine" I replied. At that moment M disappeared and I started toward the house. As I got closer I had started to notice the flowerbed in front of the house it had dandelions, daffodils, a few roses on the ends, and another flower type I don't know the name of but it looks familiar.   

I stood in front of the white door. Inhale...Exhale. I open the door to find a section to take off your shoes which they have in Japan which is called the genkan (玄関) (I think don't @ me on that)It was a dark brown wooden floor that was glossed over and looked relatively new. I take off my black platformed boots and walk towards the end of the long hallway in front of me. I closed the door behind me and start toward the long hallway, the walls alternated in color every 2-3 steps of the way, fading from yellow to blue, to pink, and then back again to yellow cycling until doors started appearing in the hallway. There were 5 doors that I could see from where I was standing, All of them were brown tall doors a good 5 or 6 inches taller than me. It had a sign on it that read "???", I walked onto the next door, it also had the same text written on it. I ran toward the other two doors which also had "???" written on them. "What is going on?" I mumbled to myself.

All of a sudden I hear humming from what seemed like the kitchen as if this were that once scene in Coraline. "Hola?, Cómo estás?" I asked politely since I wasn't sure if the person, of thing, humming, spoke English. I hear someone just singing in Spanish as I get closer to the noise. It feels like I've heard this song before, and then all of a sudden I hear "No me diga" and then I automatically know what song the voice is singing which made me very happy so then I look around the corner to see a lady in a beautiful yellow floral dress and a pair of yellow heels. She was beautiful, I can't describe her facial features because well, she doesn't have any except for her very pretty brown eye

"Oh, hello darling I didn't know that you were here," she says to me turning around. "O-oh, I-It's nothing" I reply. There was a bit of silence. "Um, I like your singing, it's very beautiful," I tell her. The lady blushed at this and turned to the side for a second. "Why thank you, Yui" the lady replies. I think to myself, wait how'd she know that, it's not my real name but my preferred one. I look at her confused, "Oh my you must be wondering how I knew your name sweetie" she tells me with a shocked expression. I just nod and let her continue. She tells me that she is supposedly my "better mother" and this is my "better life, whatever that meant. She told me her name was Martha and that she was very delighted to finally see me. "Your siblings should be coming home from school in a few hours, and your father gets home from work at 22:00" Mother tells me. "Alright then, so should I just explore until then?" I ask, Mom only nods at this and I leave the kitchen and she goes back to cooking and singing.

    I felt like I was in some sort of first-person player game like everyone was an NPC that just talked to you for a few seconds. Not much time went by before it started to get dark and everyone came home, the first people to walk in was a very tall man with no face just a black abyss-like head, and an older boy and an older girl. Their complexions were a little too confusing to make out but they were equally as handsome and beautiful. The next two people that came out were a little boy and a little girl they were holding hands and had their backpacks on to my surprise they also had yellow hats on and nametags. The little boy's nametag said "Damien"  and he had a red backpack with a blue train keychain dangling from the zipper. He had a TV head which I thought was really cool. The little girl had a pink backpack and her nametag read "Lilith". She had A broken heart keychain dangling from her zipper as well. Lilith looked a little smaller and younger than Damien but before they could see me.

I ran to the hallway with the doors that had the three question marks on them to see that more than half of them didn't have them anymore instead they were filled with the names that I had just learned. "Creepy much" I had mumbled to myself. I left the room and went into which I think was the living room everyone was sitting down in the chairs and they started introducing themselves in order. First was dad his actual name was "Gabriel" and he was sitting cross-legged on the couch. Next was the older boy he had a TV head too just like Damien but except he had a satellite dish on it but it was very small, I complimented him on it he was wearing a denim jacket with a chain necklace. He introduced himself as "Ace" he told me that he was REALLY into theatre which lit a match inside me which like mentally forcing me to fangirl over random musicals. But moving on the older girl had a singular eye and angel wings two on each side with pink bows on them she was also wearing a pink dress with a white cardigan. I absolutely loved her outfit so I had to keep complimenting her on it. She took it pretty well but she looked annoyed so I stopped and quieted myself she told me her name was Lovely Star but everyone calls her Lovely but I could just call her Lovely if I wanted to. Damien and Lilith didn't introduce themselves because they looked a little shy but it didn't bother me. "Now," mom started "Why don't you introduce yourself to the rest of the family." she finished. "Alright, my name is Eui and I'm 14 years old-" I started "Oh so we are the same age!" Lovely had said turning away from her phone. "Uh yeah I guess so!" I had replied a little nervous. "Well, it's getting late so why don't we eat dinner, watch a movie, and then prepare for bed?" Mom had suggested. I nodded in agreement, I mean it was a Friday so why not take it easy today?

Everyone had gotten up and walked out of the room and just started doing their own thing. Lovely had walked up to me and started talking to me and had explained that my room was right next to hers. She had also explained that the walls are like paper thin on some days, on other days they are practically made of steel and extremely soundproof. "Yea mom doesn't like it when the walls are soundproof because then she says she practically turns into a dog trying to get us to hear her!" Lovely says laughing a bit getting me to laugh too. I go into my room but before I go in I notice that all of the question marks on the doors have just disappeared and were replaced with everybody's names, "Weird." I had said as I'm about to walk in Lilith pulls on my hoodie I look over at her and her head is down but she girder say anything. "Lilith, are you ok?" I ask. She doesn't reply and let's go and walks away. "I- ok?" I say before turning and going into my room locking the door behind me.

I open the door to a half pink and half blue bed with yellow walls and a white bed frame that has little spirals carved into it. A white nightstand with a yellow lamp and light blue curtains. I had decided to take a nap since I was a bit tired. As soon as I was about to walk to the bed I noticed a big white closet I open it to see countless dresses, shirts, and shorts with skirts and jackets. I saw a few pairs of really cute shoes but I had found some PJ's and just put those on and hopped in bed and got comfortable, there were multiple stuffed animals that made me feel warm. I have to admit the blanket was really comfortable and fluffy. I had gotten under the covers reached over for the light, turned it off, and fell asleep.

Hehe I enjoyed this story a lot anyway gtg see ya- Creator 3/21/2021

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