Chapter 5: "jet

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*about the quote up there, same bro same, enjoy the reading😉🙃*

*ana pov* 

"So I was dancing okay Ana? And then there came a hot black girl, with beautiful hair"  explains agent morgan excited while he sits Down, I nod my head and then turn away pretty bored. I don't need to hear the whole story of how he got another girl to dance with him, I'm glad they tread me like a friend but I don't need to know that. "I don't think she wants to hear how you do it with  a different girl every week" I hear agent prentiss say with a chuckle I turn my head and agent morgan says with big round eyes: "I'm not doing  one girl every week, sometimes I keep them for a little longer and sometimes I have them for only 3 days" he what? I raise my eyebrows in disbelieve and agent JJ and agent prentiss grin "is there a word for this reid? I mean with a killer it's a serial killer after 3....but I only know that a guy who has that many girls is called a player..." agent prentiss laughs at the comment from agent JJ and i say: "maybe we could call it a serial-dater, or serial-player" They burst out in a fit of laughter and agent morgan says: "hey! Thats not fair!" "It's also not fair for those girls" agent Gideon looks at him with a stern face, and i hold a laugh...ouch... I turn my head to the window again, sinking in my thoughts. It's really amazing, this all, they tread me like they actually care about me....I feel happy around them, and safe...or let I say, that's what I made myself feel. Cause to be honest, I'm always scared they find out about the abuse, or my self harm...why would my mom hurt me? I mean I know I look like my dad, she reminds me of the fact everyday...but she almost never hits me..... "Ana?" I hear Doctor Reid say and I turn my head towards him, not exactly looking in his eye, "huh" "we tried to get your attention for  some time now" he says quietly and then I notice everyone staring at me, shoot.. " im so so sorry! I-" "no worries kid" interrupts  agent morgan  and I nod my head and agent hotchner says: "García what do you have for us?" "The tape of the call, the police form Georgia just send them in, listen" she clicks a button and then we hear the conversation: 

"911 whats your emergency?" 

"I'm at chestnut drive 1527" a young men wispers, he sounds very scared, 

"I know where your calling from what's your emergency?"

"He thinks they are to greedy, they have to much"

"To much what?"

"Stuff, possessions. Hurry!"

"Your calling because these people have to much stuff?" 

" no I'm calling because Raphael-" 

"That's enough" 

"No I don't want to" 

"He's calling because Raphael is going to kill the sinners that live here"

"I'm sorry did you say someone is killing someone?" 

"Well unsub one definitly sounds scared, maybe he's doing this against his will?" Agent prentiss says and both Agent  Gideon and I shake our heads. He's the first to speak: " I doubt it, he wisperd" "he could have called out to try and safe them" agent Hotchner says while looking at agent prentiss, agent morgan looks at agent Gideon and says: "not if he had a gun against his head" "then he wouldn't have called in first place" he answers. Okay that's not true.. if the unsub had forced him to call because it gives him a kick then he would but that's not the point. " a second unsub said 'Raphael' is going to kill them, is there a thirt" agent JJ asks and Reid says while looking at her: "its not uncommon for killers to talk in thirt perspective, look at Ted bundy" "he  gave a lot  of specific details about the Murders, but never taking credit for them and always talking about the murder" I interrupt Doctor Reid. He smiles and agent Gideon nods his head in approval "okay im gonna run the name Raphael trough the criminal database nationale and international" agent Hotchner nods and says:   "thanks García" "ofcourse sir! I'll call you back if I have something my fine furry friends!" I raise my ebrows, they never get old, she always comes up with new ones. "A killing team with a mission  in Georgia we know what That means" agent hotchner says and Morgan answers: "they are not going to stop until they are going to stop" I nod my head, we know.... I bite my lip, I dint hear footsteps...that would mean one unsub...but that won't match the voices...what if the person had DID? "What are you thinking about ana?" Doctor Reid wishers in my ear and I wisper back while playing with my hair: "ehm what if it's just one person  with DID? I dint hear more footsteps, and..." he nods and says out loud: "hey ehm guys  ana said something interesting" they all turn there heads and Doctor Reid nods, "w-well I was thinking, I dint hear footsteps so that would lead to only one unsub, but that won't match the different what if the person had DID?" I say slightly embarrassed at how stupid it sounds  "I highly doubt that" agent Gideon says, and I nod, it was a stretch and I know that... agent prentiss looks at me and says: "I think we should let the possibilitie open, it won't be the first time a per-" "I said that won't be possible" agent Gideon intereubs and agent prentiss nods her head, what's wrong with him? Why is he suddenly so grumpy... "we need to hit the ground running" agent Hotchner says "JJ we need an inside picture of  the victims, victimology is critical in these Situations" "im on it" she stands up and walks up to a different seat "prentiss go where the body's are, look at the wounds, how did he manage to kill two people in under 5 minutes? We need to know how" "I'm going to set up in the police station, and go over the Atlanta files, its highly unusual for a killer to be this effective in a first kill" "Reid, you,  Morgan And ana ofcourse  are coming with me to the crime scene" agent Gideon says while looking at the pictures. "We land in an hour, get some rest" agent Hotchner stands up and walks over to the other seat, and I stay where I am together with Doctor Reid. "Hey I think your right" Doctor Reid says and I smile, that means a lot... "but you should get some rest try to sleep" I look at my hand I never sleep in The jet, im always to scared to have a nightmare "no thanks" I say and he nods. I hope this will be an easy case but I have a gut feeling that this will be a very difficult Case"

"I think the reason why most people don't believe in a God is because some people use that believe as a way to 'correct their behavior, and I really think that's sad"~unknown 

*hi guys, what will happen? I know anc you don't, no that's rude! I hope you liked it*

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