Tag 4

34 2 60

So what questions should I answer? ill just google some questions... *googles "What are some questions I can answer when I'm tagged on Wattpad????"*

1. What is the reason you like/hate potatoes? Is it because it has the word 'toe' in it?

Noooo! I love them! THEY TASTE GOOD!!!

2. What's your favorite show?

I don't watch shows anymore :)

3. What's your favorite sock type?

THERE ARE SOCK TYPES???? The fluffy, slippery ones? What I like to slide across the room!

4. Something weird you do

Everything I do is weird... From trying to climb curtains to playing with my food to dancing like an idiot...

5. What languages do you speak?

Um English and Chinese I'm fluent in. My mom and dad both have their own language. I can understand it but I can't say it... I know a little bit of Spanish because my best friend speaks it. And I'm working on Korean

6. Make a pun with the word 'soap'

No thanks!

7. What time is it?

It's 8:23 A.M

8. What is your hair length?

I think I've said this before... It's a bit longer than shoulder length. (About one cm longer). My hair grows REALLY fast... I'm thinking of getting a hair cut but my mom says when it's a little longer.

9. Have you heard of Lance McClain?

No. Who even is that exactly?

10. R u okay? Do you think the world is a horrible place?

I'm not very okay and maybe idk 

11. What is wrong with humanity?

We don't live long enough

12. Is cakes excepted in this community? Are there even any fanfics about cakes? R we taking cakes too seriously?


13. Take a random picture of whatever

My camera doesn't work sorry...

14. Now let's tag!

I'm not feeling like it but okay...

Mayday130 (I think)



That's it I'm too lazy to do more

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