Chapter 8

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Your pov

"Mom I be going to the bookstore now" you said. After the death of some students, principal decide it's best to shut the school for 2 weeks. So you decide to go to bookstore, while S/N keep on saying want to come.

"I want to come too~~" S/N cry.

"What in return?"

"I buy you the rose tea for one month" S/N say, looking at you.

"Deal. Wear your shoe and come." You said walking out the door. After a while the door swing open and pop out of your S/N looking happy. You walk out to the gate and start to walk as S/N start to catching up. As you start to walk, you can feel someone stalking at you, you decide to grab S/N arm and quickly run to the bookstore in order to keep S/N safe.

Sato pov

Heh, I wonder should I get rid of these obstacles quickly and take her.

I walk to Y/N house, and sneak into their house to saw the mom and dad. I decide to quicken my plan, but I need to make them go apart. So I throw something at the upstairs and hide in S/N room. After a while, the door open, to see a woman walking in. I smirk for my plan that's working. As the woman walk into, I sneak behind her and close the door, lock it. I grabbed her and close her mouth.

"This is your fault for being in the way of me and my Y/N." I said and slit her throat, while her body went limp and fall to the floor. The blood was everywhere, I open the door and went downstairs, to see the men was terrifying, but part of him was try to be calm.

Hehe, he just like Y/N.

"What are you doing here, dirtying the house?" He said with sarcastic tone, still keeping the calm face.

"Your personality is exact as
Y/N" I chuckle.

"Y/N? How do you know her? So you must be the one who kill the students at school huh?"

"Well intelligent as her too. And yes it's because they will steal
Y/N away from me"  I said.

"She does not belong to anyone that crazy as you"

I walk towards him, while he backing away, I take the knife and stab him, continue to stab stab stab.

I stood up, and walk towards to Y/N room, while closing all the lights. To surprise a gift for her.

Y/N, we will soon be together, just wait for me... After I get rid of S/N

[I also make another book(;ŏ﹏ŏ) I'm so nervous about this. It's was Yandere twins X Kuudere reader..I know it's another Kuudere again :( It's just I don't know how to be cheerful or social like a social butterfly, since I always avoid crowds and I ignored someone if they speak somethin that wasn't important, since sometimes I accidentally said something that will hurt them, and btw I like reading, so yea. And the new books is that your brother will alive, so yea, I don't want to kill S/N tho so yea and I will prepare two ending for this. So uhm bye]

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