Stall 2 by Mysterymixtapes.

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All credit goes to the owner of the edit above.


Takes place after three months!

Chapter One: It starts with Abby standing in the basement and she finds Harry, strange shit happens until we realize it's a nightmare and we find out that Abby's been having nightmares for two months now, Harry is comforting her through that.

Chapter Two: It's mostly Abby telling us about their new house and how they are adjusting and she has short hair now, she's been lying to Harry about dreams and not telling him what happens in them. They are taking a comfort shower and Harry suggests something *smirks*.

Chapter Three: Details of sexy time are they are in the shower Abby is kneeling on the seat and Harry is behind her, it's a lot of teasing and in the end, Harry tells her about his plans for the next day and Sophie will come to visit Abby.

Chapter Four: It's Harry POV and they are in a van going to David's company(i think)to find out where David is hiding. Jimmy wants a happy meal, Harry is not letting him get any but in the end, agrees because he's out-voted. Jacob is also there with them and we get to know a bit more about Jacob.

Chapter Five: They are in the building and Jimmy is telling Jacob how he'd fuck him if he was single, also the chapter in which Jimmy says he's an ass man and call Abby peaches cause of her ass and almost gets murdered by Harry. They enter a room and there are 8 guys there, they capture Gary cause he was being a smartass but instead got his ass whooped. None of his guys knows where David is.

Chapter Six: Abby is telling us how her day with Sophie and how it went, also they a bit about sex and kinks, a recap of their convo is there. Abby wakes up late at night and Harry is showering at the time so when he's done Abby tries to return him the favour of distraction and gives him that gluck gluck (whatever the number is lmao).

Chapter Seven: It's Jimmy's POV and he's on his way to see Margaret. Steve texted Andy about them hurting his mom and he rushes to check on Margaret when he finds out that Margaret and Jimmy are fucking, Andy insults Margaret on which Jimmy threatens Andy, while Andy is still saying delusional shit like they're gonna hurt Abby.

Chapter Eight: May 30th, Its Abby' birthday and Harry baked a cake for her. They are all present at Sophie's house for a barbeque and Harry is okay around pool. Harry gathers courage and finally goes for a swim with Abby, Ludo joins them too and Jimmy is emotional over the whole thing but then again makes a cheeky remark and Harry tries to kill him.

Chapter Nine: Abby and Harry are back at home and then Harry gives her a present, which consisted of a silver ring containing red opal or fire opal and he gave her an explanation why he chose opal too. He says that it's a promise ring. He obviously rips her bikini in the end.

Chapter Ten: Details of sexy time involves some knife play, Abby getting spanked with a riding crop, use of a vibrator etc etc.

Chapter Eleven: June 10th, Abby is meeting her mom in a cafe when Andy arrives too and again they are saying delusional shit, Abby's mom brings up Abby's father to guilt-trip her, but Abby realizes that she's lying and says to leave her alone forever, Jimmy makes an appearance in the end too.

Chapter Twelve: They are still saying delusional shit and Jimmy and Abby are roasting them until Andy makes a hurtful comment against Jimmy's mom which angers Abby a lot so she punches Andy and kicks him in the balls, her and Jimmy make a badass exit after that.

Chapter Thirteen: JImmy is telling Harry all about their adventure and Harry is furious about it but also a bit calm, Abby asks him if her dad would be ashamed of who she is rn and Harry comforted her and hit her with facts after it, at the end, of course, he's horny that she whooped Andy's ass so yeah he takes Ludo for a nap.

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