Aunty Lyn,teached us how to eat because she said that when mommy and daddy and aunty are busy no one will feed us,so we also need to know how to eat properly" aurora explained,arche then nodded and eats the hotdog in his chopstick

Do you know where Lyn goes?" Y/n asked,aurora shrugged while arche shook his head, y/n then sighs before she patted aurora and arche's head

Are you guys finished?" Norman asked looking up to his kids

The kids then nodded before they prayed for thanks for food before they neatly put their finished plates back in the tray

Y/n smiled in amusement before she tao norman's shoulder so he will remove his head from her lap,she then stand up and put the tray back in the kitchen

Norman went to their room saying that he will just change his robes to comfortable clothing,y/n nodded and went downstairs.

Hi ma'am y/n!"

Morning ma'am!"

Some kids greeted y/n as the others bow their head a little before they went back on what they were doing

After y/n putted the tray back in the kitchen she then sees norman leaning by the door frame

Norman" y/n said smiling at her lover,norman then extended his arms for y/n to take, y/n then giggled and hugged norman

What's up with you extra loving today?" Y/n asked looking at norman's blue orbs, norman then smiled at her before kissing her forehead

I was thingking of just a days before we commit the plan so that means that we will be extra busy,that means no cuddles anymore so I wanna take time showering you affection" norman explained making y/n laugh at his reason

That's cute" y/n laughs before she held norman's cheeks making him lean to her, y/n then kissed norman's lips lovingly then they connected their foreheads taking time to feel their warms

I love you my angel" norman muttered before kissing y/n's forehead lovingly, y/n then let out a small smile before she returned the same gesture,she then kissed norman's forehead

I love you too my prince" y/n said softly before they just embrace each other

(They said that no matter where we go we will go and flirt with each other,even in the kitchen)

On the otherside horse dashing was heard in the forest as a certain white head girl travelled to a place

She then reached the place where she was supposed to go, slowly taking off in the horse and walking on the land of the wasteland

She approached a big hole which was caused of a big explosion

BO6-32" she muttered as she walks on the wrecked corridor smells of death corps was radiating the shelter, she covered her nosed with the scarf that her twin sister made when they were still 10 years old

She then walks on a open door, entering it the bad smell of corps started to get stronger, considering that she always smelled like chemicals before smell dead corps doesn't shaken her up anymore.

A dead body was seen in a wrecked room,the corps where the smelly scent cane from

A dead body of a woman,it already lose its left arm, her body starts to rot, Lyn then approached it before her gloved hand touched it burnt cheeks sad that I will last see you smiling was the time where you were still in the training school" Lyn muttered before she took her hands off the body

She then starts to remember what those gracefield kids was saying while she was eavesdropping that night

We met a travelling girl in the forest,her name was stella when the ratri clan's men attacked us she pushed both yuugo and Lucas on guiding us outside..she said she'll follow us later on but we found out that she blew herself up along with the guy Andrew and the hideout" the orange head girl said

Andrew guy shoot cristy that's why he was in that state.. the kids from grand valley and glory bell they helped me when I was stuck in the goldy pond" she continues

Lyn who were listening to the conversation in the door way clenched her hands tightly to the point that her knuckles turned white.

Andrew you son of a fuck" Lyn muttered her eyes slowly starts to water as she remembered everything that she do with stella

I'm sorry darling I couldn't save you" Lyn muttered clenching her heart, she then leaved the doorway and gets her things on her room to travel to the place

Lyn smiled as she gets a red gardenia from her backpack

I'll live up for you darling, I'll get you a revenge...I won't let you die in vain" Lyn said as she was looking at the dead corps of the woman she once love when she was still in the training school with her sister star sorry.."Lyn said before walking off sbd returned to the black horse she brings with her

Peter you fucker... I hope you fucking die soon" Lyn muttered before she took off and went to a certain place already planning different ways to murder peter


Don't mind me casually making Lyn to have a reason to murder peter 😄✨

Don't mind me casually making Lyn to have a reason to murder peter 😄✨

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Giving free food cuz why not😄👌


Sneak peak with the ray x reader y'all

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