" this doesnt make any fucking sense , i just saw her yesterday and she was fine " katie announced .

" family of y/n hernandez " a nurse called , we rushed over to her and waited impatiently.

" hi yes is everything okay?" meliyah asked .

" Ms.hernandez has been suffering from an onslaught of anxiety attack which is being caused by her elevated stress levels . her blood pressure is extremely high and we believe the combination of that mixed with her dehydration and fatigue is what caused her abdominal bleeding . luckily for her nothing affected the baby in anyway. which ever one of you she lives with , i suggest you watch over her diligently . if she's not going to at least try to take care of herself then its up to you all to make sure she does . we are currently categorizing her as a high risk pregnancy so who ever is the father make sure you do everything in your power to keep her stress level at a minimum if you want her and the baby to survive . we are going to run some more test and keep her for a couple of days just to run some observation. she is asleep , but you are more than welcomed to go in . I am Dr. Burnett , if you have any questions please feel free to ask."

with that she walked away and lelani lets out a sigh .

i rushed into her room to seeing her laying there , again. this just reminds me of the time of the accident but this time its on the account of two lives .

" here we are ..... again" kairi said in a sad tone.

- 1 hour later

" is the baby okay? someone please tell me the baby is okay " i heard yelling inside of the room . me and the group rushed in and saw that it was y/n .

" please calm down , everything is okay with the baby " i told her . i walked over to the side of her bed and held her hand . " you just need to stay relaxed and make sure you drink water "

" okay " she sighed .

" hi babymomma " meliyah walked in smiling . y/n returned a smile . " how are you ?"

" a little better now that i know the baby is fine and that i got some sleep " she informed . "is the rest of the group here ?"

" yeah they are outside getting something " meliyah said .

- y/n

as me and meliyah talked mattia kept his grip on my hand . ever since what happened between us , the last time we ever talked about US is the day of the movie . we only communicate now whether its pertaining to the baby or how i am feeling.

im not gonna lie , i really really miss him but i dont know if he feels the same way . I've tried to hold off for a while just to teach him a lesson . i have gotten so attached that i cant keep him away for that long knowing that he is here . he hasnt showed any type of emotions to me and it worries me.

im not ready to lose him , so me and him are gonna need to talk .

" congrats mommy" lelani walked in with a bunch of balloons while kairi was holding a huge teady bear . " we didnt know what gender it was so we just got neutral colors."

i smiled , " thank you , where is ale and alvaro and katie ?" i asked .

" we are right here , alvaro stop flirting with the nurse and lets go " katie says through the door . we all laugh .

" hi mamacita " katie says . " glad to see your finally awake " .

" hi y/n , hi mattia jr." ale says rubbing my belly .

yes i do allow them to rub my belly because it makes them have some kind of connection with the baby .

" who said it was gonna be a boy ? im pretty sure its a girl in there " meliyah sassed . "lets me honest here , we know y/n's genes are strong so it has to be a girl "

" i want a girl sooooo" mattia finally spoke .

oh now you want to speak you .... nvm .

" well im happy with whatever i get , but i really want a boy " i say . " when do you find out the gender anyways ?" alvaro asked .

" im supposed to find out in two weeks" i say . " oh and can some one pick up jessie from the airport tmr ... obviously im not stable enough to do it ."

" sure ill do it " kairi volunteered . " thank you "

i look over at mattia and he just stood there silently . the room has gone silent and i shift out of my uncomfortable state.

i know everyone can feel the tension in the room right now . meliyah looked at me and nod and everyone exited the room .

" hi mattia" i said . " hi y/n "

" how have you been ? " i asked just to build up convo . " im okay i could be a little btter though " he sighs .

"same , sometimes you dont always get what you want " i said . " i have missed you "

he takes his hands out of his pockets to let me know that he is listening .

" i miss you too , every single day " he informs me .

" mattia i dont know about you , but i still love you . i want to talk about us not just the baby. you told me you would wait until im ready. im ready now mattia , i know its earlier than you think but i cant wait any longer."

" y/n i never stopped loving you , i never wanted to rush anything on to you beacuse i know the incident was just recent . i have waited days just for you to say that . i want to be with you , not only because of the baby , because i love you ."

mattia then walks over to me and i pull him in for a kiss .

" ive needed that , like for so long ." he lets out a small laugh . 

" its been a while since ive heard on of those ." i smile . " and im liking this new .... what you call it ? mustache" i rub my upper lip . 

" you do , i might shave it off " he laughs . " no you look hot , it fits the whole dad thing " i smile . 

" did you ever tell your grandparents about your pregnancy ?" he asked . 

i raise an eyebrow , " yeah i did , did you tell your parents?" i ask. " no , i was waiting to ask you if you wanted to come with me to tell them . i feel like you make everything alot better with them."

" of course , your dad is italian and your mom is spanish . if you told them alone , jesus , que sabe cuanto tiempo habrias tenido que vivir." i laugh. 

" tu derecho , pero te quieren demasiado para incluso pensar en matarme" he says. " i cant wait for you to get out of here " 

" trust me i want to go home , this IV fucking itches " i say picking at it . 

" stop messing with your IV , it for hydration ." mattia swats my hand away from it . 

" okay okay " i say and then there was a knock at the door. " come in" 

" glad to see you awake , ms.hernandez . we ran a couple more test and everything looks clear with you and the baby . you can go home tonight , but someone has to be with you atleast for the night to watch how you react to the medication we gave you . please make sure you eat and drink water . thats all , once again congratulations and have a wonderful night . if you have anything to ask me , here is my card and call me . " dr.brunett said and gave me her card before walking out . 

you're my drug/ mattia polibioWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt