Chapter 16 - Painting

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  Discomfort is all that I felt when my body regained movement. Groaning, I slowly pushed myself up and checked for any threats. I realized that I was in mine and Ink's room in the Contra facility.

  After my ability of thinking came back, I tried to stand up. However I felt something attached to my arm. I didn't know what it was but there was a thin tube connected to the bands around my wrists. It seemed to be pumping an unknown liquid, which was a light grey color.

  My hand gripped the tube before yanking it out of the bands. This allowed me to get off the bed without restriction. I looked around for Ink but he wasn't there. He must be training or eating. I didn't have any sense of the time and there wasn't a clock in our room.

  Opening the door, I looked at both sides of the hallway. The feeling of safety didn't exist within me when there were guards around. Agents walked while staring me down. Fear plagued their eyes when they saw me. It didn't affect me, I was supposed to be feared anyway.

  I couldn't fully focus when I walked down the hallway. That grey liquid felt to have made me somewhat aloof.

'What was in that? Why am I unable to be instinctive with my surroundings?'

  A few minutes passed as I aimlessly walked around the building, looking for Ink. My memory of the layout of the building was foggy so I just had to relay on luck.

  Finally, I came upon the cafeteria. I opened the door harshly without knowing my own strength. It slammed the wall as it swung wide open. This caused the entire room to become silent, almost waiting to see if I was in a hostile state. The guards readied their guns to be prepared.

I looked around the room, my eyes landing on each and every person within the walls. That's when they spotted Ink. He was sitting in the corner with his sketchbook and paint stained clothes. Walking over to Ink, I sat down and aimlessly looked around. All of a sudden I heard Ink giggling.

Ink: You're fucking high, Error.

Me: What?

Ink: They gave you drugs in some way.

Me: Is that what that grey liquid was?

Ink nodded.

Ink: It helps keep people in a calm state for about three hours. Looks like it works on you as well. Which is weird actually since you're not affected by drugs such as Methamphetamine and Lysergic Acid Diethylamide.

  I stared at him in confusion because of the drugs he mentioned. When I read the medical books, I never came across anything about drugs. Even though they seemed like substances sometimes used in medical situations.

Ink: In short terms, meth and LSD.

Me: Okay.

  Ink went back to drawing in his sketchbook. I enjoyed watching him but I never tried drawing myself. Grey lines began to form together to create a picture that didn't exist in the real world. Ink realized that I was watching intently as he drew.

Ink: Do you want to draw something?

  His rainbow blush appeared as he sweetly smiled. Ink offered his pencil to me and I gently took it from his hand. I flipped to the next page but stared it without a single thought running through my mind.

Me: What do I draw?

Ink: Anything.

  I looked around the room until I saw the several colorful paints that Ink had next to him. My hand started to swiftly move against the white piece of paper.

  The pencil stopped when I was finished with the drawing. It was exactly like what I saw. The bottles of paint were black and white but every detail was there.

Ink: It's a perfect copy. But it's not your work.

Me: I don't understand.

Ink: Art is the perception on the world. How an individual sees it. If you make something that already exists, then it's not yours. Try imagining how you see the world around you. Use a certain emotion or a thought.

Me: I don't think I can do that, Ink. Yes I feel emotions and think thoughts but I don't know how to implement that in a drawing.

Ink: Close your eyes.

  I followed Ink's command by closing my eyes.

Ink: Now think for a second. For starters, think of an emotion. How do you feel about your surroundings?

  Thinking, I finally had a picture in my head.

Ink: You have an image?

  I nodded before grabbing the bottles of acrylic paint. Ink handed me a brush and I began to create the image that I had in my mind. I carefully created important details and added color to important spots. Then, I was done.

  Ink stared at the my painting before blushing rainbow. The painting was of Ink and I hugging. Around us was a small area of multiple colors of paints, representing my love for Ink. And surrounding us and our love, were shades of red. The red represented the anger and hatred that I felt about the world and how the world felt about me. Mine and Ink's love protected us from the outside world.

Ink: This is amazing, Error.

Me: You like it?

Ink: I love it.

  A smile appeared on my face because of the fact that I made Ink happy. A sound rang, signifying that it was for training. Ink sighed before standing up.

Ink: One more week and I'll fully be drafted. I hope I can survive the war.

  I hugged Ink to comfort him before following, almost treading that I will have to train as well. However Ink directed me towards our room.

Ink: You're on drugs, Error. They probably wouldn't want you fighting until you're fully aware of what's going on around you so just rest for now.

Me: Okay.

  I nodded to him before closing our bedroom door. Now I was safe behind the door, where no one...

Could threaten me

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