Helix Armed Agency

Start from the beginning

Without letting go of your hand, he steps toward the brick wall and taps on his smart watch.

You questionably raised your eyebrow, wondering if you could still make a run for it.

Then the brick wall pushes inwards, and splits open down the middle. You gawked at the wall that had just revealed a hidden elevator behind it. Oikawa grabbed your hand and dragged you in. The walls of the elevator were glass but all that could be seen through them was the brick wall of the building in the alley way. The doors closed and he placed his hand against a blue screen where the keypad should be. It scanned his handprint and lit up green as a sign of recognition. You released yourself from his grip and slid on your brother's jacket.

Oikawa watched you retreat into a corner of the futuristic elevator.

He seemed slightly hurt as he scoffs, "I'm not a serial killer."

You snorted, "Right. Why exactly are you one of Japan's top ten most wanted then?"

He sighed in exasperation.

Before he could answer you, you noticed a different view through the glass of the elevator. You had descended deep underground, you almost felt as if the streets of Tokyo were miles above you. Through the glass walls of the elevator, you could see that you were now in a large dark space. Almost like a cave but not exactly. All you knew was that it looked like bad news.

The doors of the lift opened, and you cautiously followed Oikawa out. Your eyes nearly popped out of their sockets when you saw the huge, cavernous space. Oikawa led you down a ramp, to an even bigger area. You tried not to faint at the next sight.

There were rows of computers on either side of you, simulating a walkway in between. They all faced forward to where larger screens were displayed on the wall, almost like a movie theater, but three screens instead of the one. The only light source in the area omitting from the various monitors in the room. Seriously, why was it so dark? You didn't miss the fact that the facility was packed. People were frantically clicking away on the computers, men and women in dark clothing walking in and out through other connected halls on either side, and some guys laughing against railing of what seemed like a walkway above.

"Hey! You're back already?" a voice called.

Oikawa and your eyes followed the owner of the voice. A man with spiky dark hair walked up to Oikawa, not even detecting you behind the brunette's six-foot figure.

"Yeah, ran into Yamazaki's men," Oikawa answered shortly.

You peered over Oikawa's shoulder to get a better look at the man he was talking to. The man was slightly shorter than the brunette, his hair spiked as you noted earlier, and skin a little tan. You drank in the get up he was in. He sported army green cargo pants and a tight black undershirt that displayed his toned muscles. You continued to shamelessly gawk at him, then he finally noticed your presence.

"Who's this?" he raised a brow.

"Oh," Oikawa remembered, grinning yet again. "This is (Y/N), bumped into her right after I danced with Ichiro's boys."

"Hi," you piped, stepping forward next to Oikawa's side.

"Hey," he responded. He glared at Oikawa and scolded him, "I thought we talked about not bringing your lady friends back to headquarters."

Oikawa giggled and waved his hand dismissively, "It's not like that, Iwa. I need to take (Y/N) here to the director."

The spikey haired man straightened himself and turned to you with an apologetic look on his face.

"I had no idea you were here on business," he slightly bowed his head, wearing a faint panicked expression. "I'm sorry."

You shook your head and said "It's no problem at all. I'd probably assume the worst of whoever is standing next to this lunatic, too." You beckoned your head towards Oikawa who was clearly offended by your statement.

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