The First Night Home

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It was Shoyo Hinata's first night back home. Japan.

He took a deep breath, letting the Japan air fill his lungs. It didn't really smell like anything, but it was the thought that counted. Grabbing his luggage, he walked side-by-side with Tooru Oikawa.

The two had found each other in Argentina and became more than good friends. They'd reminisced about high school and their old volleyball rivalry. The two stayed together for weeks on end. Even after practice, they would chill at Oikawa's hotel and drink and talk.

Hinata was quite shocked at how well the two got along. It truly was an amazing experience.

Oikawa sighs, "I cannot believe they're late. Didn't we tell them we would be here at 2?" He was clearly irritated at their friends' idea of punctuality.

Hinata only laughs, bumping his arm against Oikawa's. "Calm down, they said they'll be here soon." Hinata was incredibly excited. The insides of his belly were doing flips at the thought of seeing everyone again. Especially Kageyama. He'd been texting his friend constantly while in Brazil. Obviously, to brag about everything and anything that he could.

Five minutes must've passed by when the two finally heard the call of their names. Turning around, they immediately spot a group of their friends.

"Shoyo!" Tanaka grinned at his old teammate. Hinata was quickly pulled into a hug from his senpai.

"Tanaka-senpai!" Hinata was soon surrounded by a bunch of his friends. It'd been two long years since he's seen them. It felt good to be around them again.

"Oi, boke."

The voice made Hinata's heart race. He told himself he was just excited from seeing everyone and turned to face the person who spoke. A grin broke out onto his face. "Hey, Bakayama."


Iwaizumi and a few other Aoba Johsai members came to see Oikawa. The male smiled at his friends. "Iwa-chan~! Ya miss me?" He immediately reverted back to his old ways, going as far as to sling his arm around the slightly shorter male.

  Iwaizumi pretended to look annoyed at first but eventually smiled and pulled Oikawa into a hug. "I missed you." The words were so sincere it made Oikawa want to run for the hills.

  But he didn't. He just hugged him back and then pulled away. "Aw, being honest now? How cute~"

  Oikawa was ignored when the Karasuno gang finally mixed into the conversation. Oikawa smiled at the chaotic energy. His eyes quickly landed on Hinata's. Hinata was smiling this real soft smile. He seemed content. Happy.

  Oikawa understood the happiness. They'd both spent many nights in Argentina being homesick. They would often spend those nights together, needing a warmth that they could only feel with each other.

  The former captain had the sudden urge to grab ahold of Hinata's hand. He wanted to feel the male's fingers on him once more. But he knew he couldn't. They'd both agreed to end whatever relationship they had in Argentina.

  'What happens in Brazil, stays in Brazil.' was their motto.

  Still, it'd been a year and a half since they started their relationship. Oikawa couldn't help but feel a bit lonely knowing Hinata wasn't going to constantly be by his side any longer.

  "Come on, I'm starving! Let's go get some ramen!" Sugawara clapped his hands together, determined to eat.

  The group bummed in agreement and they were out of the airport. The entirety of them took up 3 cabs to go to the station.

In the group contained 6 Karasuno members and 4 Aoba Johsai Members. Former captain: Daichi, the second setter: Sugawara, the loud wing spiker: Tanaka, the middle blocker: Tsukishima, the pinch server: Yamaguchi, and the King setter: Kageyama were the people from Karasuno. From Aoba Johsai were middle blocker: Matsukawa, wing spiker: Hanamaki, middle blocker: Kindaichi, and of course,  Iwaizumi.

  Somehow, Oikawa was in a bind. He was pushed into a cab without a thought and wound up sitting in a car with Iwaizumi, Hinata, and Kageyama. It truly was the worst combination to be in right now.

  The cab ride was silent for the first two minutes. Hinata, taking one for the team, spoke first. "So, what's been going on with you guys? Kageyama-kun? Iwaizumi-san?"

  Iwaizumi sat in the passenger seat beside the cab driver. Hinata was put in the middle of both Kageyama and Oikawa. Honestly, Oikawa thought the tangerine had it worse than him.

  "Um, nothing much. I've just been going to work and college." Iwaizumi answered.

  And then it was silent again. Kageyama was drowning in the silence. "Volleyball. I'm on a team as of right now. Alders."

  "Oh, that's pretty cool of you, Tobio-chan." Oikawa finally spoke. The words sounding foreign. "I see that you've been working hard for the past two years."

  Oikawa wanted to at least try to get along with Kageyama. If getting along gave him a reason to stay by Hinata's side just a little longer, then he'd be the best person to get along with.


  Hinata hated this. The situation was killing him. Kageyama only grunted in response to Oikawa. He wanted to smack him. At least Oikawa was trying. Kageyama was as anti-social as ever.

  But still, Hinata had missed him. It felt great to be by his side again. As a friend.

  Honestly speaking, Hinata was going to miss his time with Oikawa. For the past two years, he felt really close with him. They didn't just drink the do. They talked too.

  They talked about their plans and volleyball. The talked about the past. They made each other laugh. Hinata really liked being with Oikawa. He hoped they'd at least continue to be friends.

  He wouldn't ask for anything more than that. All he's ever wanted were friends who could toss to him. And now he had Oikawa...and Kageyama.

  As his friends.


  The rest of the car ride consisted mostly of Hinata talking about Brazil. He tried to fill the silence with just about anything he could think of.

  The cab soon arrived to the station and they stumbled out. The group made their way into the next train heading to downtown.

  Hinata missed the ramen here. He missed everything about Japan. But he loved Brazil.

  Oikawa, too, missed Japan. But Brazil will always hold a place in his heart.

  Eventually, they were finally at the restaurant. They had brought their luggage along with them and it took five minutes to arrange the seating.

  Again, somehow, Hinata was seated next to Oikawa and Kageyama. Iwaizumi sat right next to Oikawa as well. Oikawa and Hinata were stuck in the middle. Quite literally.

  Kageyama turned to Hinata as everyone was talking. No one else was paying attention to the two. Except Oikawa, of course.

  "I need to tell you something later. Something I've been meaning to tell you since before you left."

  Oikawa could sense Hinata's shock. Oikawa was shocked as well. He felt this strange tightening in his chest. He couldn't explain the feeling as he listened to Hinata's response.

  "Oh. Um, yeah okay. Want to come to my place after we eat?"

  Kageyama's lips almost turned into a smile. "Okay."


Hi guys! So this is the first chapter of  'Our Little Brazilian Secret' ! I might change the title but I don't know yet.
Nothing too spicy yet and sorry for the mediocre writing.
But I'll be trying to update weekly!

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