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Chapter 2: Who's yer daddy?

Unknown location but somewhere in North America

After I realized I was inserted into Marvel universe I spend a few days in a dazed...well in my mindscape at least, my infant body runs automatically as I sat in a stupor like an idiot. My baby body still running its feeding, burping, pooping and sleeping cycle. Oh, my little baby body if you only knew the horrors that await you in this universe. By now Mom has already been discharged and we both are finally home. The home was alright, it's not a mansion but it's not a trailer either. As I laid in my crib(suck on this MTV!) I was thinking, sure I am in Marvel Universe, but which one?

Seriously even a casual reader would know there is a lot of Marvel earth out there, am I in the normal MCU or in the earlier version of Marvel. Is this where we are half-spartoi or is this is where we are half-celestial sons of Ego. There is even a version where Ego was not a Celestial but a biomass living planet who are strong enough to go toe to toe with freaking Galactus himself so which Marvel earth am I in? If this the MCU earth 199999 then this is going to a cakewalk but if it is one of the many other we are so fucked!.

Well, if this is the MCU or a variant of it, in 8 years mom gonna get a really bad case of a headache in the form of a brain tumour. Considering she did gave birth to me so the very least I could do for her not to getting her killed by her poor choice in men. What I need now is more information, going in blind on hope is not a good idea. So how do I proceed, what are my plan of attack?.

I figured if this is the MCU or an off-shoot of it according to what I know Ego will be here one last time to check on mom and us, there is a good chance this is when he will do his thing that one day will be Mom's freaking tumour. After this last visit, he will assume that mom will die in eight years and then he will hire Yondu to pick us up. So if this is the route then I got to lay low till Ego gets here and after he did his stuff and skedaddle from this solar system I will have some time to try to save Mom.

If I made it, I have to deal with Yondu after that. Remind me to kill that idiot Taser Face while I am at it. But if this going down the half Spartoi route then I got nada, that just about what I know about it. I tried using my mindscape to read some marvel comics from my old world but everything I conjured came out blanks...I mean really blank comics. Is either Bob being a dick or there is a rule even he can't break (doubt it). So we have to play that route by the ear if it comes to that.

My answer to my genealogy came one day on the summer of 81 I was almost 2 years old. Opening the door while she was carrying 'fussy Pete', I can hear Mom squealed in excitement as there was a 30ish Kurt Russell look-alike standing behind the door. Shit Ego is here, well we can scratch that half-spartoi route. Mom gave Ego one passionate kiss that would make a hooker blushed, I want to avert my eyes but I was watching his every moves from my mindscape like a hawk.

I doubt he will do it now but we never know, considering we are dealing with a demented celestial who wants to terraform half the universe into himself. Am I worried he might discover my mindscape...meh not likely, I doubt even The One Above All could even look inside here. This was made by Bob, the Big Daddy of All, if it can be broken by a universe overseer then Bob might as well find a new job flipping burgers at McDonald's.

Mom was cooking dinner in the kitchen, Ego was holding Peter but I noticed his hands was glowing. So he didn't waste any time huh after he scanned Peter then me there was a disappointed look in his eyes that lingered for a second before he covered it with a happy looked. I guess we failed the initial test, but I think he is hoping that maybe our celestial genes are latent or something. The man sure knows how to play the long game, I got to give him that much.

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