Part 2 - Chapter 4

Start from the beginning

I finally set my phone in my lap and really paid attention to him, the way he looked reminded me of the day when he told me he wanted us to get back together.  He seemed nervous, unsure of himself.  This was not a normal look for Noah Flynn.  Noah continued, as if I hadn't responded.  "Shelly, I think. . . I think we should try. . ."  Noah paused.

"Try to what?"  I interrupted him, I really didn't have the patience for whatever Noah's big idea was today.  He is always coming up with a great plan for us – either a trip to take or a new hobby or game to try.  We had just spent a week away from home and I wasn't ready to plan our next getaway quite yet.  I looked back at the board to see if they had updated the time we would begin boarding.

"Shell, I think we should start trying to have a baby."  I swung my eyes from the board and back to Noah's eyes.  Okay, now he had my attention.  Noah was biting his bottom lip and had his eyebrows raised, watching me intently.

"What was that?" 

"I think you should stop taking your birth control pills and we should try to have a baby." Now that he finally got out what he was trying to say, his nervousness seemed to go away.  Noah flashed his big smile, showing off his dimples.

"Really, you think we're ready to have a baby?"  I responded a little loudly and noticed a couple people around us start paying attention to us, but suddenly I forgot about everyone else in the airport.  All the people around us faded into the background.  I felt like it was only me and Noah.  How could he look so calm as he talked about this?  I was feeling anything but calm at the moment.

"Yes, I do think we're ready."  Noah responded and continued to look steadily into my eyes and now took both of my hands in his.  "I think we would make excellent parents."

Was it getting hot in the airport?  Suddenly, I felt like I couldn't breath.  Noah looked so relaxed, as if he was talking about some insignificant plans for the weekend, not something that would turn our world upside down.  "You know this would change everything, right?  I mean, you've seen Lexi and Darren dealing with the sleepless nights and all the new stress.  We hardly even get together with them anymore."

"But, we've also seen how happy Leah makes them, right?"  Point one for Noah.  I hated arguing with him, he's too good at this, he always has a response for everything.  Meanwhile, I can hardly form a coherent sentence.

"Wow, I. . . Noah, I don't know what to say."

"Say you're willing to start talking about it or at least that you'll think about it."

Now, that's all I can think about.  "The plan was always to move back to LA when we had a baby.  There's so much to do before we're ready to move, we have to find a place to live, we both have to find jobs, we have to pack up all of our stuff."  Suddenly it was starting to feel hot in here again.

"Relax, Elle.  Having a baby can take time.  We don't know you would get pregnant right away and we don't have to plan on moving back to LA right away.  Plus, you know there will be time before the baby is born.  We can worry about those details whenever it happens.  I just know that I can't wait to see a mini Elle or some combination of the two of us running around."

"Flight 196 will begin boarding in 5 minutes."  Our flight is finally called over the speaker, but at this point, it is the last thing on my mind.

Noah starts again, "Listen, Shelly, I know this will change our lives but I really think it will be a wonderful change.  We don't have to decide in the next few minutes before we board this flight, but I hope we can keep talking about this.  And for the record, I do think we're ready.  But, we do need to pick up our luggage and get ready to board now.  Then, we can talk more, if you want.  No matter what we decide, I love you Elle."

"I love you too, Noah."  I leaned over to kiss him before we stood up to gather our carry-ons for the flight.  "And I guess maybe you're not too far off base, we can keep talking about it."  Noah smirked at me before picking up both of our bags.  "Noah, I said we would talk about it, not that I was agreeing with you yet, so don't start gloating like you just won."

"Oh, I'm not going to start gloating about this discussion yet. But, I already won everything I needed when you said yes to marrying me.  Having a baby with you would just be an extra bonus."  Noah leaned down and kissed me one more time before we started to walk onto the plane.  Oh, he was still good after all these years.  He's far from being a player anymore, but he still knows how to talk like one.

We did continue to talk about having a baby throughout the flight.  Like usual, Noah had a response to every reason I came up with why this wasn't the time or why we weren't ready yet.  And not just a blanket response to everything I asked, he responded with really well thought out answers, I could tell he's been thinking about this for awhile.  By the time we were ready to land in Chicago, we were completely in agreement.  I was ready to throw out my birth control and we were ready to grow our family!

A/N – Sorry for the slow updates.  My busiest time of year at work probably wasn't the best time to start adding to this story.  I was just so excited to get back to writing, I didn't want to wait.  I'm going to try to update at least every other week, until things slow down for me at work.  Thanks to everyone for reading and for all your awesome comments! They do really motivate me to want to write more!

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