Part 2 - Chapter 1 - Back to Mexico Part 1

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A/N – So, I really thought I was done with this story.  Then, when I started thinking through some ideas for a new story, I ended up back here.  For now, I have this chapter and 4 more coming on this story (although the longer I work on this, the more chapters I think of adding, so I'm not sure how many there will be for sure).  After that, I plan to go back to trying to write something new.  But, who knows, I may end up back here, adding to this story again.  Thanks so much to all of you for reading and commenting on the original story!

6 months after Epilogue

Lexi's POV

Coming off a morning at the beach and an afternoon at the spa, this momma hasn't been so relaxed in months!  Maybe not even since Leah was born.  I feel a little guilty about leaving her with my parents for the weekend, but Darren and I missed out on the company trip to Mexico last year and I did not want to listen to everyone's stories for weeks after the trip again like I did last year.  Leah was only a few months old during last year's trip and we weren't ready to leave her yet then.  I wasn't sure I was ready this year either but Elle and Darren both talked me into it.  We have Facetimed with Leah multiple times a day since we've been here.  Darren thinks I've gone overboard, but I don't want her to think we've abandoned her.  As much as I miss my little girl, I am happy to be spending this weekend with all of our friends.  We usually get together with Noah and Elle pretty regularly.  But, ever since Leah was born, it seems like we don't get together with the rest of the gang – Aaron and Josh, Lee and Ashley - as often as we used to.  I have been looking forward to this trip mainly to be able to spend time with all of them.   Okay, so maybe laying around on the beach all day was the main attraction, but the time with all of our friends ran a close second. 

Since we've been here, though, I am starting to wonder what is going on with Elle and Noah.  I first noticed something was up with them our first night here when we were out together at the club in the resort where we're staying.  We arrived at the resort mid-afternoon after a long day of traveling.  After check-in, we explored the resort a little, made sure we knew where all the bars were, and headed out to dinner, then the club.  I have to say, Elle and I were looking hot!  We hardly ever get dressed up like this anymore and never go out to dance or even to listen to a band these days.  Our whole group was there drinking and listening to the band.  We hadn't made it to the dance floor, but I knew Elle and after another drink or two, she would be dragging me out there.  Lee and Ashley had just walked in, after having been on their own for dinner.

"Look who decided to join us."  Elle yelled out to Lee. 

Lee pointed at our table, then out at the dance floor.  "You guys aren't on the dance floor yet?

Aaron smirked at Lee.  "Noah and I have been out on the dance floor all night, you just missed us."  I swear sometimes it seems like Aaron is a long lost Flynn brother.  He's always trying to get those two going.

Lee laughed.  "Oh yeah, I know how much my brother loves to dance."

Elle broke in with a devilish smile.  "Noah can dance, he just prefers to do it in private where only I can watch him."

Lee immediately groaned and plugged his ears.  "Okay, okay, I don't need to hear anything about what you and my brother do in private." 

"Ha, ha.  Elle's right, I don't want you to get jealous, since it's the one thing you think you can do better than me."  Noah jumped in with a smirk on his face before leaning over and kissing Elle.

After talking a bit about the different restaurants everyone went to for supper and the guys' planned excursion for the next day, Aaron, Josh, Ashley, and Lee decided to check out a nearby bar.  Darren was into the band playing at the time, so Noah and Elle stayed at the club with us.   Noah and Darren were such gentlemen and always got our drinks for us when we were all together.  The moment they left our sides to get the next drink refills for us, a pair of good looking, wasted guys came up to me and Elle at our table.  "Hey pretty ladies, how are you tonight?" 

The Kissing Booth:  UnavoidableOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora