Bonus Chapter: Jason POV - Edinburgh

Start from the beginning

We finally arrived at the hotel after what felt like a long trip. I was ready to take a nap. My half-asleep tired brain almost didn't register when Victoria said we would be sharing a room together.

Rosie looked at me, her eyes wide, and I didn't know what she was thinking. Was this really a good idea? Why did my heart beat a little faster at the thought of sharing a room with Rosie? I shrugged, feigning innocence, trying to show Rosie it didn't bother me as much as it did.

I let Rosie into our room first, and sighed, glad to be in so I could take a nap. Rosie paused as she walked in, looking around her. I furrowed my eyebrows, hoping everything was okay. I walked in behind her and froze, dropping my bag in the process, now noticing why she was shocked.

If Victoria's little announcement hadn't woken me up before, this now certainly had. Right in the middle of our beautiful bedroom, was a double bed. I was thinking of something to say, anything to combat this awkwardness between us, but my mouth opened and closed like a fish.

"Well, what a way to start an adventure" Rosie laughed, turning to me.

I laughed, shaking my head at the absurd situation we had been put in "This is certainly not the way I thought I'd start of this trip". I knew I wanted to get closer to Rosie, but this was not the way I wanted it to go. "I suppose I better go tell Victoria about the mix up"

"Wait" Rosie shouted, just as I was about to head out the door. "Victoria will probably be in her room relaxing right now. She might even be jetlagged and will be catching up on her sleep. It's best we don't disturb her. Besides, we can sort out sleeping arrangements later"

She had a good point. I suppose we could sort something out later on. But what were we to do while we sorted that out? It wasn't like we were on the best of terms right now. "Okay. what do you suppose we do in the meantime?"

"Are you tired just now?" Rosie asked, a small smile playing on her lips.

I was a little, but I knew that I wanted the chance to speak to Rosie and apologise. Especially since we were sharing a room together, I wanted to clear the air between us. "Nope, not really" I shrugged.

"Then, why don't we go out exploring" Rosie suggested. This was the perfect opportunity to say what I wanted to say. And with that smile of hers, I couldn't say no.

We had walked for a while, venturing not too far from the hotel, walking past Mary Kings close and various shops. We grabbed some dinner on our way back to the hotel, thinking now would be the best time to apologise. Just as I was about to open my mouth, Rosie beat me to it.

"Listen, I just want to clear the air between us" I was glad to see we were on the same page and she wanted to speak about everything that had gone on the past few weeks.

Aliya's advice came flooding back to me in that moment. The night of the club, Aliya and I went for a walk, talking and catching up on everything. It was nice to see Aliya again, but I didn't feel anything as much as I used to for her. She could see something was bothering me and asked me about it.

"I don't know what happened" I said, ruffling my hair "I saw Max with Rosie and just saw red. I don't want to see Rosie hurt"

Aliya gave a small smile "You like this Rosie girl? Who is she to you?"

"She's just my little sisters' best friend" I confirmed.

Aliya raised an eyebrow "Just your sisters' best friend. Nothing more?". I didn't know what Aliya was insinuating. Was she claiming there was something more? I didn't answer her, thinking this over. "It seems to me that you like her as more than a friend"

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