6. Cute Omega

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They have left the hill and gone to beach for closer observation.

Pale skin. Red haired young man. This must be the one he likes.

Toda is with him. They are spying at Shane and him.

Ryan smiles while saying, "I'm hungry. Let's eat something. My servant has prepared a picnic basket for us."

Shane and him swim back to shore.

Ryan's family is very rich. They could afford a villa and private beach. This island is owned by two families: Toda and Ryan's families.

Ryan stops walking abruptly. He squints his eyes.

Shane approaches him.

He asks, "What's wrong?"

"Something in my right eye. Could you help me?"

"Oh, okay."

Shane lowers his head and blows gently, trying to remove the dust.

From that angle, they look like they are kissing.

Chad grits his teeth and leaves the spot.

Toda clenches his fists. He strides toward them. He pulls the annoying Alpha from his dream Omega.

A punch is launched but Shane grabs his fist easily.

"Buddy, talk with mouth, not fist. We aren't barbarians here," comments Shane.

His eyes suddenly notices a red haired guy running away. That familiar back. He doesn't think twice before chasing him.

Ryan scolds, "Toda! Why are you here?"

"Preventing you to humiliate yourself."

"I'm on date. Don't disturb us."

"Aren't you selling yourself too cheap? First date and already kissed."

"It's my problem. Not yours. Beat it."

Toda clenches his fists. He stares to the sky and inhales a deep breath. He opens his hands again. His eyes are showing deep pain.

He says calmly, "You are right. Sorry for the disturbance, Your Highness. Never would bother you again."

"Toda... Hey, wait!"

Toda has strode away, never looking back again. After loving Ryan since childhood days, he finally gives up.

Ryan shakes his head. He needs to find his date. No time to think for Toda.


Shane finally finds Chad in a small forest near the villa. The guy is kneeling. He is panting, breathing heavily.

Chad's face flushes. He is sweating too much. His body is trembling.

"Chad, what's wrong?"


His fluctuative emotions have resulted in forced estrus. He is feeling horrible right now. Unable to move at all. His inhibitor was lost during his running.

"Chad, just hang in there."

Shane hugs him and releases his pheromone to make him feel better. He bites his gland and temporarily marked him.

The awful feeling subsides gradually. Chad has fallen asleep in his arms. Shane smiles gently to him. He wants to kiss his soft lips so badly.

In the end, he refrains to do it. His status is Ryan's boyfriend at this moment. It won't be fair for both Omegas.

Shane is going to keep his promise. One month fake dating and polite separation. He owed Ryan that much.

Toda finds Chad in Shane's arms.

He says, "Let me take him home."

"No. I will carry him."

Maybe it's his Alpha's instincts. He hates handing over Chad to another man.

Shane carries Chad to Toda's villa in piggy back style. He tucks him in and covers him with a blanket.

Toda asks, "What is your intention with Ryan?"



Toda grabs Shane's collar in his rage. He is staring to his eyes, giving him murderous intent.

Shane says calmly, "I promised him to be his one month boyfriend. That's all. Nothing more."


"I owed him that much. Don't worry. Won't touch him. We are just friends."

The Alphas have left the bedroom. Chad opens his eyes.

Stupid Shane.

Chad forgets Shane always keeps his words. No matter how silly vow.

Back in his villa, Ryan is sulking. Shane hasn't come back. He must have hooked up with that red haired guy.

He is thinking to find them at Toda's villa when Shane walks back.

Ryan smiles brightly.

Shane only smiles politely to him.

Silly guy. There is an Alpha who madly in love with him. Why he must seek love from someone else? That's the future billionare. One of the wealthiest man in our country.

Ryan couldn't read mind. He doesn't know Shane ridicules him in his heart.

They have lunch together.

For the next three days in the villa, Shane keeps acting polite toward Ryan. He maintains his distance when the silly Omega tries very hard to flirt him.


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