The malfunction

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The recruits were scattered around the academy.

Medix restocking his supplies in the medbay.

Hotshot playing Cube.

Hoist was out testing tech with Boulder.

Whirl was out for a flight.

And Wedge was hanging in the lounge.

But then the rescue alarm sounded and soon everyone was gathered at the Groundbridge.

Heatwave had been making repairs to the Groundbridge, but he just finished up when the recruits came in.

"What's the problem?" Hoist asked the red bot.

"Dr. Green predicts heavy storm weather at Griffin Rock, we'll go there as a precaution." Heatwave answered.

The recruits nodded, and Chase fired up the Groundbridge.

"Rescue bot recruits..." Whirl started.

"ROLL OUT!" The other recruits finished for her as they went through the bridge.

Their teachers were just about to follow, when an explosion sounded and an Energon wave sent them flying back a few feet.

Blades rubbed his helm. "What just happened?''

Boulder grunted. "I think the Groundbridge just exploded...."

They all glared at Heatwave. "What did I do..?" He asked, knowing perfectly well this was his fault.


Hotshot was sitting on the ground, disoriented and dazzled. What happened? It felt like some sort of energy surge. "Did you feel that guys?" He asked, expecting a reply from his teammates. But all he heard was silence.

He tried his commlink. "Guys..?" Static.

But wait, this wasn't Griffin Rock.

Hotshot looked around, finding himself in the middle of a desert.


It turned out that the recruits had been spread all over the planet.

Wedge found himself in a jungle.

Whirl ended up in the Arctic.

Hoist sat in a lake surrounded by a forest.

And Medix landed on a deserted island in the middle of the ocean.

"Well, isn't that just great." Wedge muttered while scanning his surroundings.

Hoist swam out of the lake and sat at the edge of the forest, trying his commlink again and again.

Medix explored the island, which was very small with almost no vegetation.

And Whirl went looking for shelter from the icy winds.


Meanwhile, back at the academy, the teachers were looking for a way to fix the Groundbridge and find their students all at the same time. Chaos was inevitable.

And then there was the situation on Griffin Rock. The storm was fast approaching and it wouldn't be long until communicating with the island became impossible.

Specifically Blades was upset with Heatwave, as the helicopter parent (*facepalm*) he was. "You're never repairing the Groundbridge again." He grumpily said while trying to get a fix on the recruits' coordinates.

Heatwave pretended to be really busy talking to Dr Greene.

Boulder had been busy repairing said Groundbridge so they could bring the recruits home.

The recruits overall were okay, except Whirl who had a hard time preventing her rotor from freezing off.

"Isn't this j-just great." The blue femme muttered. At this time of year the Arctic was exceptionally cold.

She tried to remember what Medix had said over prolonged exposure to subzero temperatures, but was too distracted by warnings constantly popping up on her visor.

"I know it's cold here, shush.." She sighed and hoped her teammates were doing better.

Wedge was having no blast either.

Frantic and very feminine screaming was heard as Wedge was running for his life from a tiger. The beast lived in the jungle and Wedge had the luck just to end up near its den.

"Hey.. can't we just talk this ou- Woah!!" The last word turned into a cry of surprise when the big cat charged at him.

"I'll take that as a no." Wedge said while booking it away from the angry animal.

Hotshot hadn't moved much since he was dropped in the desert, but he was very annoyed with all the sand.

"It's gonna cost me days to get all of this junk cleaned from my frame." He muttered and cringed as the sharp grains rubbed over his armor.

Medix was doing fine, but there wasn't much to do on the small island. So he took his time to re-organize his extensive collection of lists on his PDA.

Hoist was bored out of his processor, but he had more worries for his team than to think about that.


Boulder was just done fixing the bridge when Blades finally got a signal.

The Rescue Bots looked at each other and fired up the bridge.

Blades went through and not much later returned with Whirl, half frozen in his servos.

He glared at Heatwave before taking the young bot to the medical bay.

Next up Wedge came through, covered in leaves and twigs and the occasional tiger scratch.

In the meantime Chase had gone to Griffin Rock to help out the Burns family with the storm.

Next Hotshot was picked up, and he was not in a good mood, constantly dramatizing over the sand in his joints.

Medix came back and after a quick word with Boulder he too went off to the medbay to care for Whirl.

Boulder had to go and pick up Hoist, for he apparently hadn't noticed the Groundbridge appearing. When they returned, the young mech was rather distressed hearing of what had happened to Whirl.

Later that day, peace had returned to the academy. The storm at Griffin Rock had passed and everyone enjoyed the rest.

Hoist was keeping Whirl company in the medical bay, while Medix kept an eye on her.

Hotshot and Wedge were having some bro time playing cube in the gym.

And Heatwave was running from a very pissed off Blades, with Chase and Boulder following behind to stop the angry medic.

Hoist heard the tumult from the medbay and chuckled. "Just a normal day at the academy."


So this was the first adventure I came up with. Heatwave messed up badly now.

Asks and dares are now open for submission! Go wild guys ;)

See you in the next part!


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