Part 92

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"No, no, It can't even be an option.. I'm on the pill Niall, I-I can't be pregnant! I can't have a baby, i'm not ready, i'm way too young.. I- Harry would freak out, he's already going to be a dad.. I, this is too much Niall.. This is too much!" I shouted as tears fell down my cheeks. Niall came closer with a worried face expression. He quickly opened his arms, letting me break down while he held me. I couldn't imagine being pregnant. Not now, i'm not ready at all.. "Listen to me (y/n).. you'll be ok, there are options if you are pregnant.. but before we even think about that I will run over to the store and buy a test, and then we'll take it from there. Ok?" he asked with his soothing voice, trying to make me calm down. I tried to calm my breathing. I didn't know yet. "Ok" I whispered. Niall knew it was hard for me to really get any words out of my mouth. He gently patted my back and let go of me. I slightly smiled. "I'll be waiting here", I whispered causing him to give me another hug. "I won't be long" He said before he put his shoes on and ran out. I knew with all the fans it could be difficult, and there would be new articals about him buying it. I took a deep breath and sat down. I knew the best thing for me right now was to be alone, away from Harry.

Harry's P.O.V

"Vanessa", I whispered desperate to talk to her. She ignored me as we continued eating with her whole family. I sighed and suddenly started thinking about how everything was before, before any of this happened. I was hating the fact that I had to get married for publisity. Then I got to know (y/n). I hated her at first, but she was so beautiful I carried a fear everywhere, knowing she had something nobody else had. She made me feel things I never felt before. I fell in love, in the middle of the fucked up, complicated marriage, I fell in love with her beautiful eyes, with her. "Harry, can you hear me?" Vanessa asked sounding annoyed. I sighed and nodded, pretending I heard every word she said.

"Excuse me, I just have to go out for some fresh air", I whispered before I got up. Vanessa looked shocked, not believeing my behavior just leaving the table as she talked about our future. I couldn't listen. I promised (y/n) that it was her, that I would fight for her and leave Vanessa.. That's what I had to do. I couldn't let (y/n) doubt me again.

"Harry!" Vanessa's voice shouted as she ran out after me. I turned around, trying to control my attitude. "Yes", I mumbled not looking at her. I couldn't understand what I had gotten myself into. "What's going on?" She asked trying to figure out why I had been behaving so strange lately. "Just get back inside", I said, not wanting to shout at eachother while her family was right inside. This was too complicated. Why did I even marry Vanessa?

"No Harry, you tell me what it is! You tell me that this doubt I have been carrying is fake! That what we felt a year ago, is still there!" She shouted in need for an answer. "Listen carefully now Vanessa.. I never loved you, I married you to help me get over (y/n), but she came back. She came back to LA, and that's when I couldn't stay away from her, I will fight for her, I want to make everything better! You don't mean a shit to me, so you can just forget about us being a happy family, and get the hell out of here", I said trying to control my temper. I knew this would be the time where all I did was shout and stay violent, but I tried to control it. Her eyes were filling with tears, and I don't blame her. The father of her child wanted nothing to do with her, nothing. "Leave", she whispered pointing to the cars standing out front. I let out a small giggle, trying to not let myself feel anything. I couldn't feel sorry for her. "Gladly", I mumbled before I quickly walked to the car. I had to get rid of all my thoughts.

"Styles", the bar tender said when I entered the place. "I need liquor, and alot of it", I demanded as I sat down. I needed to get my mind off of things. I needed to stop thinking so much. (Y/n) was the one I wanted, I couldn't feel any regret about leaving Vanessa.

Your P.O.V
"What if it says i'm positive Niall", I whispered as we waited for the test results to show. We had waited the whole day for me to actually take it. I spendt the day watching movies with Niall, trying to avoid the test, but now he finally got me to take it. "Then we have options.. You don't have to keep it", he said as he took my hand. I nodded and closed my eyes, taking a deep breath. My heart was beating fast, I could feel it almost jumping out of my chest.

"No, no, it can't be true", I whispered when I saw two lines appear. I could not be carrying a baby. "(Y/n).. It's ok, you're ok, i'm right here", he whispered as he ran his thumb over my hand trying to calm me down. I felt tears break though, running down my cheeks, but I didn't make any sound. I wasn't able to channel anything. My stomach hurt, I felt this huge lump in my throat, and my heart broke. I felt my scared body breaking. "I have to tell Harry", I said getting up. "(Y/n) it's late, you have time to wait", Niall said trying to stop me, but it was useless. I had to find Harry.

Harry's P.O.V//
"I'm not giving you more of that", thw bartender said when I already shot down five different drinks. All of them being very strong. I felt my body being taken over by all the alcohol. I was about to open my mouth and ask for another drink when I heard a huge explosion. I quickly tried to stand up on my legs without falling as I made my way out of the bar as fast as possible. It was on the freeway. Two cars burning. I tried to focus on the car, trying to see which car it was. "Vanessa", I whispered as my heart stopped. I felt my body turn cold through all the alcohol traveling in my body. "Vanessa!" I shouted, not wanting to believe what just happened. She was burning. Her and my baby. My baby. "No, no, Vanessa!" I shouted again as I ran towards the cars.

Your P.O.V//
"Oh my god.." I whispered when I saw the huge explosion on the freeway, only a few cars a head of me. I felt my heart skip a beat. It could have been me. I quickly ran out of the car, knowing I should see if I could help. "Harry", I whispered when I saw his tall figure with his head in his hands. I ran over reaching for his body. Trying to wrap my arms around him, but he pushed me off, causing me to fall on my hand. I felt my bone crack. I felt my body get hit by adrenaline. I couldn't feel my hand. I closed my eyes, trying to reach out to Harry again, with my other hand. But all he did was cry. That's when I understood it. "Vanessa", I whispered. I quickly ran over to Harry again. "Harry.. Harry i'm here. I'm here", I whispered trying to hide my pain. He pushed me away again as he stood up. I placed my hand on my stomach, suddenly feeling afraid something could hurt whatever was growing there. "I want you out of my life (y/n)! If you never happened this would never hurt me! I wouldn't feel this emotion! I wouldn't feel like I just lost a piece of me! I was going to be a father! Now it's all gone! Get the hell away from me, from my life!" He shouted as I heard sirens come closer. I couldn't channel what just happened. I tried to take Harry's hand again but he pushed it away. "Get out of my life, please, it's what I want", he said giving me the same eyes he gave me in the beginning of our relationship. The ones with no emotion, no feelings. I felt my eyes fill up with water as a paramedic suddenly held me. "We need you to come with us. You're hand is shattered", she said trying to make me come. But all I wanted was to try to fight for Harry. He wasn't himself. He had to know about my pregnancy. He couldn't shut me out when I needed him. When out baby needed him. "Come with me sweetie, everything will be ok", were the last words I remembered before everything went black.

This is the last part "love by chance", but if all of you guys want to I will continue the story about Harry and (y/n) as "love by chance 2". Ily guys!

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