a "hello" from me

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Hello to all of you!

I want to start off with a huge thank you to everyone who's read (and reread) the hold on au. It warms my heart to see your comments in my inbox and every vote makes me smile.

I know a lot of you are upset about the end, but here's to hoping that this will fix all that!

The next few parts may be posted out of order, mostly because I may write them out of order. Please note that this isn't a continuation of the series. It's just everything I wanted to add in but couldn't for whatever reason.

If you have anything you'd like me to talk about, let me know in the comments on this line.

If you have any questions for me (series related or otherwise) let me know in the comments on this line.

I look forward to sharing with you everything that got left behind during the writing process.

Thanks again for being such wonderful readers,
I love you all immensely ❤

Let Me Take Your Hand, I'll Make It RightTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon