A Weird feeling

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   Ishimaru had done everything he needed to do on time, so why did he have this weird sinking feeling in his stomach, like something bad was going to happen at any moment. He was absolutely positive he had woken up at the right time, and hadn't spent even a moment too long to get ready that morning, so why? He brushed it off as casually as he could, he was the ultimate moral compass! He had to guide others no matter how he was feeling, besides, its not like the feeling would stay, he was probably just groggy. 

   The feeling stayed.

 He walked briskly from his dorm to the cafeteria, waving at a half asleep Fujisaki {Chihiro will be using they/them pronouns here} who continued along side the hall monitor. 

"Morning Taka." They yawned out.

"Good morning Fujisaki!" Ishimaru said in a loud tone. "How are you?"  Chihiro yawned again, rubbing their eyes. 

"I don't know, I might feel better after I eat." They said.

Ishimaru looked at the small programmer, "Do you not feel well?" He asked.

"I'm fine, I just need to eat." 

"If you feel too bad you should go rest!" Ishimaru exclaimed, ignoring the rotten feeling growing in his own stomach.

"I just need food," Chihiro stated again. "Then I'll feel much better!"

"If you say so.." they were at the cafeteria now. They saw a few of their fellow classmates lounging around eating different foods and talking. Most importantly though, Ishimaru saw Mondo sitting at a table. Just seeing him there almost drove away the bad feeling Taka had... almost... 

   Mondo had started getting up early (most of the time) just to make Taka happy. It was one of the many changes that occurred after Leon had been found guilty of killing Sayaka. Everyone was more cautious of the others, and Monokuma. Secondly, if the tension could be swept aside, the classmates started to become friends with each other. Asahina and Sakura had become close, as well as Makoto and Kirigiri. {just add in or replace these if its not what you ship, also, idk if their names are spelled right...} and of course those people mattered to Ishimaru, just not as much as Mondo mattered to him. 

As the hall monitor and programmer approached the table, Mondo suddenly sat up straight, mumbling something like "I'm awake, was never asleep!" The other two pulled out the chairs and sat down, laughing.

   "Sure you weren't." Chihiro giggled out sarcastically. "You definitely don't seem like the type of person to fall asleep when their supposed to be awake." 

   "Of course I was awake!" Mondo almost yelled out the words an a tired sounding voice. Even if he loved his friends, Ishimaru was still the moral compass and a hall monitor. 'I cant let people just go yelling random things every where!' so he decided to recite his favorite line:

   "Owada! Yelling is not welcome in this school environment!" Any gravity the sentence might have held was instantly dropped, he and the other two were laughing too hard by the end of it. By god did Mondo look good when he laughed. He looked so natural and... happy. Taka had to resist the urge to lean over the table, cup the biker's face with his hands, and k- nonononono... Ishimaru couldn't think like that, they were best bros! practically brothers! He couldn't have feelings for him!! 

    Even through all the laughing and talking, the feeling stayed. 

Anyways besties, I hope you like the foundation I'm laying out, Have a fabulous day/night.

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