Shadow's Journal

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Shadow's Journal

My birthday had past June 2. The day I was awakened, the day I sometimes regret. Anyhow, I can't change it. Well there was no big "celebration" and or "birthday party" which was good in my case. It was just another mark up to keep track of how many years i've been alive...57 years, and would be 17 if my age mattered. But it doesnt due to the fact with black dooms DNA I'm ageless, I look as young as I did 57 years ago, I look 16, I feel 16, nothing, not one thing changed and so I'm still 16. im traped at this age no matter how many years go by. On this day, the general had a little suprize and got me a small cake, one of the personal size for just one person, saying "happy birthday" in yellow iceing letters. I didn't eat it until the end of my day. I sat on the doc by myself watching the sun sink in the ocean leaveing bright blues and hazes of pink and purple, with a burning red and orange battleing to be the prettyest in the sky. Hearing the gulls fly over head and the navy ships pulling in and some setting sail, the cool ocean breez blew through my quills. It made me feel, sorta empty, hollow inside as i looked down at the small cake. I picked it up and took a bite, eating it and thinking back.

The past... it was a crule thing to look back on. and it made my empty feeling grow stronger. why do i look back on it when i know it makes me feel this way? a reminder of how i got to be me, the past is what made me who i am today...though i dont like how i got here, i have to say, it shaped me well. the more hard times, the stronger i have gotten, more experiance i have under my belt and wisdom to pass on. Though when I had come to earth, I have to admit, the crule and harshness did go away some. And i have some good things to look back on and make me smile. Some of the things I have to say are quite odd. Like going fishing with everyone and i acsidently hooked Big the Cat's frog, walking in on Eggman after his shower (that made me have night mares for a while haha), teaching Amy how to bowl as i had to go behind her and showed her the right positions, she blushed at how close we were and how she had to lean forward some while i stay behind her. Bringing Knuckles lunch as he garded the Master Emerald, picking flowers with Cream and Cheese, bakeing cookies with Vinella (Creams mother), playing battle ship with Tails, and monoply with Chris (that game pissed me off) training with Rouge, washing dishes with Espio as he sang random spanish songs very poorly ( i laughed my ass off) swimming with Vector, and helping Charmy clean his room, raceing with Jet, shopping with Wave, cards with Storm, Singing with Sonic in class. Yeah all theese years, and alot of things had made them worth the while.

As I opend my eyes with a slight smile, still thinking of them. The most stranges thing i'd have to recall is the day we were playing a game of sonic soccer. My team was winning by a point from Sonic's. Sonic had the ball and was a blue blur on the feild. At this time we were competitive we take ever sport to its limits and one will win even if it ment to fight. I wasn't going to let him win this game, I quickley worped infront of him, timeing it just right kicking the ball swiftly as it went right under his feet, he tumbled over it and hit the ground hard, victory was mine as i kicked the ball sending it flying, just as i was going to take a step, sonic had grabed my foot and triped me, i went to take a swing at him for his folly, but was stopped when i heard knuckles yell, "Dog pile!" and everyone tackled and stacked up ontop of each other. I was mad about that then, but if what happend a little while ago wouldnt have happend, i wouldnt have minded the dog pile so much. i tryed to kick everyone off, but was kicked hard in the head and landed face to face with sonic who looked like he was getting ready to say something, and our lips met, our noses touched and our eyes went small.

my mind went blank, a gun sounded in my ears, and his green eyes like a snap shot will never go away. it was all too fast, and i didnt know what to think, at the time i wasnt sure if i was awake or dreaming now! everyone got off and i was finaly able to pull away. my face was hot out of anger, and embaressment, as sonic sat up still stareing at me. Chris looked at me asking if every thing was ok. i didn't answer. i couldn't, it was just so...unexplainable and the feeling i had would have no words but the image of an atomic explosion inside ones head. I backed away, and then worped as i felt everyone's stares. i worped to my room, on the ARK. it was the farthest place from everyon and i paced the floor trying to take in what had just happend. I was triped, and then piled ontop of, kicked in the back of head, and then...kissed sonic!? I've never had one befor, this couldn't be my first, i didnt want it to be like that! I had to go back and explain that this was nothing but an acsident, and it didn't count as a real one. It wasnt real, it couldnt be, we just was really close (to close for comfort) in each others faces. I had to give it a day before i told him, to make sure I didn't go totaly chaos on him. I was pissed! So the next day we both talked and agreed it was an accedent and it didnt mean any thing, practickly to put it behind us like it never happend.

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