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Draco stepped off of the Hogwarts Express, and took in his surroundings. Duloc had changed a lot in the past eight years. For one, Lord Farquad was no longer king, much to Draco's dismay. Farquad may not have been a wonderful leader, but at least he wasn't a raging homophobe, like that new Prince Charming. Draco was dreading stepping inside the gates of Duloc, afraid of what had become of his beloved gay bar, "Potter's Wand".

As he walked down the streets, he grew sadder and sadder. His favourite apple store was gone, turned into a ferret supply shop. They no longer sold Death Eater flags at the Brickmart, and all the platinum blonde bleach hair dye was gone. Luckily though, Potter's Wand was still standing.

Draco stepped inside, and took in the sweet scent of sweaty men and cheap wine. He was home. At least he thought he was.

A loud, gruff voice spoke up behind him.

"Draco? Is that really you? Oh my god baby I've missed you so much."

He spun around and almost knocked into the voice. Standing before him was not only his greatest love, but also his most dire mistake. Shrek was beaming down at him, clearly acting as though they were still old pals. Like they might just forget what had happened eight years ago, and pick up where they left off.

Draco, overwhelmed with emotions, glared up at Shrek, and spat, "Get away from me you big green goon," tears welled in his eyes, "you stole my heart but so help me God, you will not take my pride."

He ran out of Potter's Wand, hand held over his chest, as memories of the past came flooding back to him.

December 19, 2013

Draco had just returned home from Hogwarts for the Christmas holiday, but as soon as he stepped through the door he knew something was wrong.

There were stockings hung by the fire, Shrek never decorated, much less celebrated Christmas. To make matters worse, there were three stockings, but only the two of them resided in the swamp.

"Babe! I'm home!"

Draco tracked through the much too clean swamp, when suddenly, he stopped dead in his tracks. He could hear a high pitched squeal coming from inside of their bedroom.

He peaked inside, and almost instantly he felt his heart fall to the ground and shatter in a million pieces.

Sitting on the bed with his boyfriend, was a small, green, kitten. And knitting in the chair across from them, was none other than Puss in Boots. Shrek's ex boyfriend.

Draco couldn't breathe. He had to get out of there. Without thinking, he tossed things into his bag, and ran out the door. His vision was clouded with tears, and he could distantly hear Shrek shouting his name.

Draco didn't dare look back, he just kept running, and running, and running. He ran until he couldn't anymore, and when that happened, he hopped on the next available train.

He didn't care where he went, as long as it was far far away from Duloc, and his so called soulmate.

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