016. denial

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The Slytherins eyes all turn to Professor Slughorn who's stood with Severus Snape who has a very wonky and blooded nose. The head of Slytherin — Slughorn — looks from Regulus' crimson covered knuckles to Avery's nose that's dripping with blood and his cheek that's already got a nasty, purple bruise forming on it, looking slightly out of place.

"What happened to you?" Stan asks Severus, trying to contain laughter at the sight of Snape with an even wonkier nose — that probably looks better than it did before whatever happened.

"None of your—"

"Potter punched him." A gossiping third year says excitedly. "It was awesome."
"James did that?" Alyssa asks, pointing at Severus' nose.

"Oh no, that was Miss Potter." Slughorn says before waving it off. "What on earth happened here?"

A few moments prior to Slughorn and Snape entering the Slytherin common room, Severus had — yet again — called his old best friend, Lily Evans, a mudblood. His comment had made every one of the marauders mad, Lily was extremely upset so Maria had matched over to Snape and gave him a piece of her mind. When he gave her a horrible comment about Remus she had clocked him square in the nose and strolled away alongside Lily without another word.

"He just went for me professor." Avery says in feigned innocence. "Evan and Ruben tried to hold him back, it's like he was insane."

"I expected better, Mr Black." Slughorn says I'm disappointed as Regulus glares holes into the trio of older boys. "Detention on Saturday then, you'll have it with Miss Potter."

"I would." Evan whispers to Regulus with a wink and Regulus glares at him as the three stroll away to clean the blood on Avery's face and Regulus huffs before turning to Alyssa and Stan.

"Okay, explain." Alyssa demands and Regulus looks between them before sighing. The trio walk upstairs and sit in Stan and Regulus' dorm, which they were lucky enough to have to themselves because they were the into two left after their year filled two boys dormitories.
And Regulus explains. He explains everything, from being partnered in potions and the potion-blowing-up incident. He tells them about their first chat on the astronomy tower and the night and the minister's ball.

Then he explains the things he sees in her eyes, all that mischief and loneliness, how he could compare her to the warm, evening sun. He goes into detail with their day together skipping lessons and the detention and the broom cupboard and the nighttime swim in the black lake.
His words leave them frozen and shocked that Regulus Black could possibly be falling for Maria Potter — even though of course, neither of the two would admit it to anyone, even themselves.

"Sounds like you've got a thing for her." Stan says thoughtfully and Regulus scoffs.
"Me? No, no, no." Regulus waves his hand. "You misunderstand me—"

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