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The jobs are going to be very helpful during this community. There are multiple jobs but you can only pick 1. There are also going to be a certain amount of people with these roles so you should pick while there isn't a lot of people in the role that you want to choose.

Here are the roles 

Here are the roles 

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The Daily Prophet 

2/5 people

The Daily Prophet is the Editors of the Community. They help us edit stuff. As the community gets bigger there will be more people who can help us edit but for now, 5 people can help us. 

The Daily Prophet will help us write, and edit, their work will be display in the Community, but there will be a different book, to show their work off. 

If you love writing then maybe applying for the Daily Prophet will be good for you.

If you love writing then maybe applying for the Daily Prophet will be good for you

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The Quibbler

0/6 people

The Quibbler is a great place to show your artistic skills. They help us do artwork and just help us decorate for anything that includes our artistic skills. There are 6 people who can apply for this job. 

Like The Daily Prophet, there will be a book on this community to showcase everyone's artwork. 

If you love doing art then this might be the job for you. 


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St. Mungos's Healers

1/8 people

St. Mungo Healers are a way where people who have problems can solve those problems with the St. Mungo Healers. The St. Mungo Healers are basically the counselor of the community. 

If you are great at problem-solving then this is the job for you.

If you are great at problem-solving then this is the job for you

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The D.A.

1/6 people

The D.A is our event people in the Community. They come up and plan the events. They can bring the events to our Admins/helpers in the Discord group. There will be a whole section in our google classroom and also our Discord server where our D.A. members can plan.

If you are really good at planing then this is the job for you.

Here are all the jobs that we have for now. As the community expands there will be more jobs and more people for the jobs.

Your Founder, Alyssa

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