Arranged Marriage

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𝑆𝑖𝑒𝑟𝑟𝑎 𝐼𝑦𝑜𝑛𝑛𝑎 𝐹𝑒𝑛𝑡𝑦

𝑆𝑖𝑒𝑟𝑟𝑎 𝐼𝑦𝑜𝑛𝑛𝑎 𝐹𝑒𝑛𝑡𝑦𝑃𝑜𝑣:

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

"Hey Carol, this is my niece Sierra, her fiancé Jayda, and their son Loyal." My aunt Dianne said introducing us to one of her rich and bougie friends, "hi it's nice to meet you guys, may I ask when's the wedding?" She asked and Jayda nodded "Tomorrow actually." She answers and Carol smiled "How wonderful, I hope I'm invited" she joked but I shook my head "No you're not, nice meeting you though" I said nicely leaving her stunned, I know Dianne was going to get on my ass later but it's whatever. I grabbed Jayda's hand leading her and Loyal to the living room where other rich stuck up assholes stood talking and drinking wine. "You good?" I asked and she nodded sipping her red wine, I pulled her closer to me by her waist, she threw her free arm around my neck while I grabbed Loyal from her.

Jayda and I talked about the wedding some more before her mom Alice came and pulled her away so that they could take her to get her dress made leaving me with Loyal. This was the first time I had to take care of Loyal by myself.

I carried Loyal outside and sat on the swing on the front porch, I grabbed my phone texting the group chat with my friends I haven't talked to all week

Everyone come over to Dianne's i have news


Otw too

Favorite thot🤍
Umm okay, but you better have me some food waiting

Ofc babe

I texted back knowing I was lying like hell, she just needed to get her hungry ass over here. Of course I couldn't tell them the whole situation but I would try to explain as best I can, not even my closest friends could know that Loyal isn't my biological son and that Jayda and I are in an arranged marriage. No one could know besides me, her, aunt Dianne, and her mom. Her best friend Dess only know that we are engaged and that Loyal's mine.

Like five minutes of swinging on the swing and playing with Loyal my best friends pulled up. I grabbed Loyal walking out to the car, getting into the backseat. Everybody stopped and looked at me confused "Who's baby?" Jade asked first, I sighed "long story-" "Make it short" Kiesha said making me smack my lips "this is my son Loyal and I'm getting married tomorrow to his mama." I said and they all busted out laughing. I have loyal my phone letting him play on it.

"Bitch you too funny, for real who's child?" Devon asked "mine" I said with a straight face, that's when they all got serious "oh shit, that our nephew?" Kiesha asked and I nodded "yes" I said and Devon gasped like the dramatic whore he is "oh god, where he come from?" He asked making us all laugh "I'm not surprised, we all know Sierra used to a hoe on go back in high school" Jade said making everybody laugh harder "seriously though no cussing around him, his name is Loyal he's two." I said and they nodded "hey loyal" they spoke and he waved shyly.

"So what about this marriage thing? When did you pop the question to Aaliyah raunchy self" Devon asked and I rolled my eyes, they never like Aaliyah "I'm not marrying her, I'm marrying Loyal's mama Jayda. You'll meet her later." I said and they nodded not questioning me even more but I knew they wanted to.

We all ended up going to the place I had to get my female tuxedo fitted, I was not wearing no damn dress. I'm not no stud but uh uh, I don't do dresses and skirts. That's a hell no's. Jade's happy ho lucky ass was getting her dress made and so was Kiesha. Devon was getting his suit ready too. I then got Loyals and we all left. "I need a blunt, I haven't smoke all week. And dealing with my crazy behind fiancé.. I need one god" I said throwing my head back, loyal laughed making them laugh. I pouted so he hugged me kissing all over my face "no cry" he said making me smile "y'all are so cute" Kiesha smiled "we all going soft" I said and they agreed

We then stopped by Micky D's and got something to eat, "What do you want Loyal?" I asked and he put his pointer finger on his chin like he was thinking "Hm.. ticken nuggets!" He said and I nodded ordering him some with all the sauces since I didn't know what kind he liked. After we got our food, Devon dropped us off at Dianne's house.

We all got out and me our way inside, when I spotted Jayda I immediately nodded my head for her to come here and she did rolling her eyes in the process "oop" I heard Jade whisper.

"Shut up" I said nudging her, Jayda walked over ready to go off on me for whatever reason until she saw Loyal. She grabbed him and I handed her food to her and her attitude disappeared as quick as it came "thank youu" she said leaning in pecking my lips "Mhm, you welcome. You like your dress and everything?" I asked forgetting about Jade them just that quick, Jayda looked good as hell right now. I bit my lip making her blush and nod "I do, are you going to introduce us?" She asked nodding her head toward them.

I nodded "my fault I had forgot about them just that quick, you look good" I said pulling her closer to me "Y'all this is Jayda, Loyals mama. Jayda these are my best friends Devon, Kiesha, and Jade they have a baby together" I said and she nodded, Jade scrunched her face up "Uh uh, if you got a sister or somebody that look like you put me down. Kiesha not my bm we just share the same baby" Jade said making us laugh.

We continued to have fun and chill around until it was time to go, Jayda and I left after speaking to her mother and Dianne informing them on how things were going between us.

Arranged Marriage || Jayda Cheaves Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang