Chapter 1: A unusual day

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3rd pov

A Saiyan in the early days of planet Vageta was nothing more but a simple farmer he was treated differently because of his weak power and his stupid claims of someone being more powerful than the god of destruction and a universe that is similar to their own but different he was an outcast in planet Vageta, His name was Tarro and was the runt of the race he was known as the worst Saiyan in history, he lived his life in the wilderness making a living from hunting to gardening it wasn't much but he was making a profit day by day he would secretly study the technology of the ships they landed he was learning how to use the ship bit by bit and studyed the books on it as well.

It was a normal day the plants were growing the avian like creature were chirping and the sound of freshly running water was rushing it was a peaceful day and he left to tend to his crops until a the animals were scared he looked at the sky and saw as the clouds got darker than usual he was wondering if there was a storm today until he suddenly got blasted by the harsh wind he was barely stading until a tornado formed as the harsh winds formed it he was sucked in he was flailing around in the tornado hitting trees and rocks he was able to brake the falling trees and incoming boulders to avoid serious damage until he was hit by lightning and saw a bunch of memories he doesn't know  but somehow he felt like he does then he passed out due to exhaustion after protecting himself, he could hear a bunch of voices but to no avail he was to tiered and so he was in the tornado for a long time.

Current day Bulmas birthday

It was Bulmas birthday and it seems Vageta and Goku are off training Bulma greeted Chi-chi and her family Goten rushed to Trunks while gohan was spending time with Videl and a new face was there it was Gohan's twin Nara Bulma was surprised to see her after all she was the timid one in the family (if you want to know what she looks like

It was Bulmas birthday and it seems Vageta and Goku are off training Bulma greeted Chi-chi and her family Goten rushed to Trunks while gohan was spending time with Videl and a new face was there it was Gohan's twin Nara Bulma was surprised to see ...

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this is a character i made up so please enjoy it art not mine) Bulma was furious when she found out that Vageta was training instead of being there as well as the news Chi-chi brought at her birthday and was disappointed that her husband and Goku were not coming, in an act of anger she told the Crew to leave them behind.

Meanwhile with the god of destruction

Beerus has awoken from his nap as he was in the bath whis and beerus sense a ripple in time " So the timenado has moved once again? Yes my Lord and it seems it passed by the planet earth. Earth, isn't that the place with those pesky reptiles lived? Yes but it changed over the many years yet it feels off." Whis and beerus debate for a while until he heard that freeza was defeated by a Saiyan from earth named Goku.

Back with bulma

The seas were rough but It was explainable there was a tornado 2 days ago but it was only at the ocean so no one was harmed bulma was announcing the Bingo tournament Chi-chi was upset because they would have a better chance if goku was here Nara was trying to calm her mother but it only worsen Bulma only Showed the prizes of 2nd and 3rd place but not 1st place, meanwhile goten and trunks were flying around the ship being kids and all until they saw someone floating in water trunks being the "bravest" goes near the unconscious man " hey goten this man has a tail. Wow a tail, is it real? * Tugs his tail* wow it is real! Cool... Is he okay? No but he looks sick. What should we do? I know!" Goten and trunks brought the stranger in to the boat " Goten who's this guy? We found him in the middle of the ocean. Ya he was floating upsidedown in the sea. Is he alive? I'm not sure. Please don't tell me you brought a Dead guy? Yamcha that's a bit too dark. Yeah that's kinda messed up. You idiots stop standing there and put him in the medbay! Wait you have a medbay on the boat? What kind of idiot won't put medical supplies on a boat or a licensed doctor? That shows how rich you are Bulma. Shut up and put him in the medbay! Yes ma'am/mom! * Dashed away * did you guys see that? yeah a tail. you don't think he's a you know. He might be. Great another Saiyan and  I thought goku and vegeta was enough. Well at least we found him before everyone else. Yeah, I don't need another halfwit to watch over. Come on Chi-chi it's not like he's living with you. Yeah he's gonna live with me! What!?! Hear me out I can make him into a hard working Saiyan and not a deadbeat like Vageta and Goku. Are you sure Bulma? Shut up krillin this a chance for us to make an example for Goku and Vageta. You should not waste someone who has a chance in becoming a fighter. Shut it piccolo we don't need another  halfwit to deal with! If ever we need an extra hand we might need him to get ready. Are you sure Master roshi? This is only a hunch but we need an extra fighter if ever the Earth is in danger. Yeah you might be right. Fine I'll let Vageta train him. Will he train him tho? Well he did train trunks. Now I'm a bit worried. You and me both krillin. But First my birthday! Yeah let's get this party started!"

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