Chapter 23 - Sobrius

Start from the beginning


A letter arrived for her at lunch Tuesday morning by Hedwig II, who was much less friendly than her predecessor and much more inclined to biting if she didn't get treats immediately.

"Fucking menace with wings" Ginny exclaimed across the table from her, her index finger in her mouth sucking the blood from where she'd been bitten. Hedwig II had gotten a few good nips in when Ginny had tried to protect her lunch from the bird. "Which one of the boys sent the letter 'Mione?"

"Hm? Oh both of them, though it looks like Ron was the one to write it" if the chicken scratch was anything to go by.

"What's it say?" As much as she loathed reading letters around others, she cracked the wax seal and opened it.


Harry and I have the weekend off assignment this weekend coming up and were planning on making the trip to Hogwarts to come visit you and Ginny and the DA, we've sent Hed with a request to floo in for McGonagall. Molly has already started knitting you a sweater to bring with us, hope you're okay with another blue one.

Sorry if Hed bit you when he dropped this off, he only seems to like Harry. Bloody bird bit me cause apparently I'm taking too long to write this if you're wondering why there's blood on the page.

See you in a few days Mione!

With Love,

Ron & Harry

"They're coming to visit this weekend apparently" she told her friend, who impatiently snatched the letter out of her hands as soon as she'd finished reading. "Will you be alright with Harry being here Gin?"

"Oh please 'Mione of course I will." Ginny scoffed with an eye roll, folding the letter up and placing it under the corner of her plate so it didn't get lost. "Harry and I are both adults and we parted on pleasant enough terms, we've even been writing to each other as friends the last few weeks."

"I'm glad to hear that Gin" she smiled at her friend genuinely.

"Anyways, enough about the boys!" Ginny exclaimed, waving her hand flippantly and leaning over the table towards her. "How's everything going with the not-hearing-thoughts project?"

"I have absolutely no idea what you're thinking right now, if that's what you're asking Ginny" she raised an eyebrow at her friend playfully. "Your secrets are safe another day."

"Oh well that's a relief! I don't know if you'd ever look at me the same if you knew what kind of debauchery I got up to last night" Ginny waggled her eyebrows suggestively, causing Hermione to wrinkle her nose.

"Please, spare me" Hermione held up a hand pleadingly, already internally cringing at whatever her friend was going to say, knowing she had absolutely no boundaries.

"Well it turns out there's this spell that makes your wand vibrate and-"

"Ginny!" she reached across the table and shoved a dinner roll into her mouth to stop any more words from escaping her friend's mouth. She bit off a piece of the roll and chewed as she dropped the rest onto her plate.

"He did that too... except with his tie" She winked and then turned to strike up a conversation with Seamus before Hermione could manage to scold her again.


When her last class of the day was dismissed, Hermione let out an audible sigh of relief. I did it. She officially made it through an entire day with no potions or psychotic breakdowns. What has my life come to that I actually consider that an accomplishment? She thought bitterly, but her thoughts could be as cynical as they pleased; she was going to celebrate.

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