Life from Now On

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i awake in a white, marble room. so white the walls seem to be glowing with such a luminosity that it takes what feels like minutes for my eyes to adjust.

the room is empty and spotless. as i look harder, i see that this room may not be a room at all. it may just be a blank canvas, or just a white hole of catastrophe.

the luminosity flickers, and the room goes dim for a few seconds. i glance up above my head and see an endless black, cavernous hole in the sky. it looks like the night, but there's something much more sinister about it. as i look closer, i see there are people. they sit in rows and make noises that sound like wild animals. i see them looking at me. something is about to happen to me, and they have gathered to watch.

the luminosity flickers once more, and i pull my head back down to look forward. a screen has appeared,and it seems to be paused at a moment in time. a young girl is pictured on the screen, in a hospital bed. people surround her, and they appear to be crying.

"that's me, isn't it?" i say, not trying to create a conversation with anyone but myself. "i'm dead, aren't i?"

the screen turns back into the luminous white, and the appears with a newborn child, still covered in blood from coming out of a woman, on the screen. a message is also there.

r e v i e w h i s t o r i c a l a c h i e v e m e n t s?

y e s o r n o

"yes." i say, and the screen starts like a movie.

a date is shown across the screen, and the newborn baby starts to whine. my birthday. the woman gives me a kiss on the forehead and starts to cry. a horrible cry, with tears spilling down her face and snot slipping out of her nose. but she stills smiles because of what has happened. my mother.

the screen shows another date on the board, underneath my birthday. it is like a chart of achievements, ranking my birthdate as number one. this date then goes to show me the child, or me, speaking its first words. this moment then dissipates, and another date takes its place. it is me taking my first steps. the dates slowly rank up until i get to be a toddler. graduating from preschool, going into kindergarten, and then reaching first grade. learning how to do math properly. it then transitions to my pre-teen years. i join the track team and become the fastest girl in my grade, but then i remember getting an ankle injury soon after ninth grade and then never being able to pursue this passion ever again. the screen transfers to my middle school years, to me transferring schools and becoming class president, and then speaking in front of 500 people that i barely knew to accept the position. i see my first boyfriend, and my first kiss

the screen rounds up all these dates, with over 20 different ones in all. i see that all of these are my achievements, all of the things that i was proud of about my life.

c o n t i n u e ?

"yes." i say, and the screen continues to show my life's achievements.

i'm a ninth grader, and i have enrolled into a public speaking class that has lead to speaking to the leader of my country. it fast forwards into my sophomore year of high school, and i see myself with a different boy, and i'm wearing a gown with blue an purple gemstones on the bodice. homecoming. the homecoming that i created for my school.

junior year: i'm at a writing competition, and i have won. i now have a full ride to a college that i've been wanting to go to for years.

junior year came, and went, and then i was in senior year. it was here when i learned i was bisexual, and i came out to all of my friends and family at the exact same time: senior year graduation. this is the proudest movie of my life because i learned who i was an was able to communicate to everyone that this was who i am, too.

this was where the movie stopped. and it was here when i remembered everything. i had died when i got in a car accident in the winter before i went to my second semester of college. i had a large family, and they were all crying out for me back where my body was, wherever that may be.

while i was lost on my thoughts, a man had appeared in front of me. he had brown hair that reached his shoulders and a beard, and was clothed in a white robe.

"i see you've made back from my game. let me introduce myself. i am God." he says kindly, smiling at me with a welcoming smile.

"what do you mean, game? and why do you refer to yourself as God? where am i?" i demanded.

"the first question, i cannot answer because you already have the answer. i refer to myself as God because that is who i am, and you are in between Heaven and Hell. this moment is what your kind, humans, would refer to as Judgement Day." God said, sweeping his arm around our surroundings.

"so the game, is the game Life? is it you watching humans through a little telescope and help them through life, giving them decisions to lead down whichever path they choose?"

"in a way, yes, it is. but i cannot tell you anymore than what you think you may know because you will find out what the game is soon enough."

"alright. then, how am i to be Judged for my actions? i am in the midst of Judgement Day, after all." i say, preparing for my answer.

"you, my child, will be going to Heaven. you have not murdered, you have not stolen, you have not committed any crimes that would've gotten you arrested in your world, but you have made some mistakes, which is what has made you human. you are now an Angel, a perfect being. you have no wrongs to commit anymore, simply because now you will not know how. you will fly effortlessly across the sky, and you will feel no pain. Life from Now On will feel like a dream." God smiles and then everything turns into a blinding white.

i am now a perfect being, and i am soaring through the skies, living Life from Now On.

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