"OMG MILLIE! SOOOO CUTE!! FILLIE IS REAL, YOU GUYS!! FILLIE IS REALLLL!! GATEN, CALEB COME HERE!! AHHHH!!!" I heard someone scream from a open window. I recognized it. Noah. How could I stay mad at my best friend. He's amazing, I love Noah. I giggled when I heard him say this and ran inside to hug him.

As I was running I tripped and it went black

Finns POV:

As I saw Millie run inside she tripped over a step and fell on her stomach. 

I ran as fast as I could over to her. Her nose was bleeding and she wouldn't wake up. I didn't know what to do, I was kinda freaking out. I picked her up as Noah ran outside panicking. I brought her into her house and Paige came quickly with a towel and a ice pack. 

I laid her down on the couch and propped her head. She was moaning with pain from her bloody nose. " I think she sprained her ankle." I heard Paige say, "but nothing bad, I used to work for the Red Cross association, as a assistant, or volunteer." She said. "I know what to do, just put this ice on it and keep her head up Finn. Make sure you put pressure on her ankle with the ice. And hold this towel up to her nose until it stops bleeding."


She woke up about 30 minutes after I put her on the couch. She sat up and Sadie ran over to her.

" oh my god! Millie are you ok!? You tripped running inside and fell on your fucking FACE!" She yelled.

"Chill Sadie I'm ok don't yell. I'm fine. Owww- my ankle! What happened. Did I break it or something?" She asked

" no you just sprained it. It will be ok in a few days, maybe 3 or 4. Not a big deal." Paige said.

"Ahaha I took a picture of your nose bleeding when you were out. You looked like el. Haha" Yelled Jacob. Oh ya he came over after Sadie texted him what happened.

" Jacob, shut up! What the hell? She got hurt really bad and your just laughing?" I yelled

"Shes fine. She talking which means she's OKAY." He said. I hate him

"Jacob no I'm not. Please go home, I'm mad at you right now. If you say sorry for once I will be slightly better." Millie said crossing her arms.

"SoRrY Millie, ugh but your still coming over tomorrow night." And with that he left.

"bitch" she said, "why do I like him?" She said with a scoff

" don't ask me" Noah said laughing a little

Millie got up. She could walk but in a limp only. I felt bad I wish it was me instead.


" hey guys wanna play truth or dare??! anyone?!" Caleb yelled from the kitchen with a ton of gold fish in his hands. Millie giggled, and said ya, along with everyone else.

" ok! Sadie truth or dare." Said gaten

" um truth." She said

" ok well do you have a crush on anyone in this room? And if yes, who?" He said

"um do I have to?" She asked nervously

"YES" he said.

" ok fine, um I like Caleb." She said blushing hard, and looking down, playing with her fingers 

Caleb blushed and smiled a little. 


they both smiled and blushed. 

Millie's POV:

"Truth or dare Noah." Gaten said

"DARE! AHH!! I think I had to much Starbucks." He admits. I laughed so hard I was at the verge of crying. 

" ok squirt a bottle of hot sauce in your mouth for 5 whole seconds and then eat it" gaten said smirking with evil in his smile.

"Ok bet," he said walking straight to the hot sauce and picking it up.

"ONE, TWO, THREE, START!" gaten yells

Noah gulps the hot sauce as we count, "one Mississippi, two Mississippi, three Mississippi, four Mississippi, five Mississippi!!" We all yell

"AHHH MY MOUTH!! MILLIE, MILK, NOW!!" He screams at me, I run to get the milk laughing so hard. I'm crying as I hand him milk.

" oh my fucking god. That was intense." Noah says. Chugging all my milk

"BAHAHA" I yell along with everyone else.

"oh my god! Ok" gaten says whipping  a tear from his eye, "ok Millie, dare or dare."

"That's not fair! Truth!" I yell

"No is dare or dare you have to do a dare Millie!!" Sadie yells back.

"Oh my god fine. Dare" I say still giggling as I look over at Noah laughing with me.

"I dare you to kiss Finn on the lips, I know you have a boyfriend but he's a fucking jerk, and it's only one kiss Millie." Gaten says

" oh no"

BAHAHA, y'all Noah cracks me up!! He's hilarious! Noah is a bestie for life. Never give a Noah up, that's a life tip yall. Hahaha! 

Also poor Millie 

Do y'all love baby by Justin Bieber or not?! I love it

Tell me any tips for next chapter!! I enjoyed writing this chapter, byeee! Next chapter is good! But hold in your tears for this next chapter. That's  a warning for you to cry next chapter! Sorry!!

- author 😘

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