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I came curving around the corner as I did that i called on the big monster and leaped in the air onto her back then i started tearing away at her flesh as I did that the other big one started joining in on the fight I could tell she was much much older than me and the monster.

We slammed her or more like she slammed her into the building causing great damage and i was helping her tearing the monsters flesh ripping it apart slowly one by one and when the older one slammed her on the ground towards the water the swimmer leaped out the water and dragged the monster into the depths of the water. The older one turned to me I stepped back slowly and spoke to her *chittering*

She thanked me for saving her life and proceeded to walk away I went to my alpha who was standing nearby with a woman and two young ones I chirped at him. He shook his head I understood what he meant and I turned to the woods to look for my sisters and left him with his family.

((I apologize if this isn't a good story as i am new to writing but please don't be rude or negative like i said this is my first story I've ever written on Watt pad i hope you like it))

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